Theater Stages

A theater can be described as an arrangement or structure where dramatic presentations are performed. The whole lot to do with theatre portrayals is quite interesting and fascinating. Most people have attended different theaters just to have a first-hand experience of what theatres produce.

We show up at the theatre in a condition of anticipation and eagerness, a state which relies on our past involvements.  Theaters produce performances which they think their audience can enjoy and which respond to their hopes.

When it comes to theater, the players are able to bond with the audience. This is usually made possible as performance is usually live. There is the closeness between the entertainers and the audience. Every performance in the Theater is comprised of a hardworking and creative team which makes sure that every performance is distinctive, original and catchy.

A theater is comprised of various elements such as the director, the performers and the audience, Theater space, and various design elements. It is also comprised of different types of stages.

Keywords: Theater, stage, performance


Theater is part of our daily lives. It involves not only acting but it also forms part of narrating stories. (Price, 2009).There is abundant ways in which performers can present their presentations and in diverse types of stages.

Types of stages

Proscenium stage

This is the most ancient type of stage and its name primarily means forward-facing or in front of the set. In this type of stage, the audiences directly sit on one side when they are facing the stage. The stage is usually raised above the front row of the audience. The stage is also comprised of an addition called an apron which is predominantly used to give the audience an individual involvement.

Arena Stage

This is a type of stage where the audiences watch the performance on all the four wings of the platform.

Thrust stage

This type of stage borrows its features from both the Arena and the Proscenium stage. It is comprised of three sides.

Flexible stage

The flexible stage is also denoted as the environmental stage, black box or outdoor theatre. It enables producers to have many productions which can be presented. Producers can make the stage suit their production in whichever manner they want. The theatre is usually coated with black color on the inside.

Elements in Theater stages

These four theater stages have been integrated to support the following elements.

A file system: All the four theater stages have a file system although the arena stage has a more complex system.

Orchestra pit: This pit is usually found in the Proscenium stage but the other theater stages can support live music from an Orchestra.

Hydraulics: They make it probable to advance sectors of the stage, slant, shake and simulate them.

Trap doors: These are hinged panels in a surface or ceiling, of a theater to allow for dramatic entry.

Scenery and sets: They can be placed on the flooring of the stage or background depending on the type of theater.

Catwalk: This is a raised provision dais from which many of the mechanical roles of a theater, which include lighting and sound, can be altered.

Lighting: lighting is essential in every stage for a clear view especially for night performances

Props: These are objects which are portable and usually used by actors on stage.

Entrance and exit: There must be an entry for those coming in and an exit for those leaving the stage.

Sound: This is a key requirement in all theater stages, without which the audience especially who are sited at the back cannot hear anything.

A domestic comedy: Proscenium stage is the best stage for the presentation of a domestic comedy since the players are not allowed to show their back to the audience.

A war play: The Arena type of stage will be most suited for a war play. A boxing or fighting match can be well viewed in a stage which has four sides.

A musical: A thrust stage is most suited for a musical. It has a heartfelt involvement than the proscenium stage; players tend to be nearer to the audience, hence a better view. This stage is visually attention-grabbing and better for the audience who are sited at the back.


None of the theater stages can be proven to be better than the other. It chiefly depends on the type of production and audience involved. Major differences which are noticeable in all these theater stages is the scenery, audience sitting arrangement, the number of audiences that a given stage can handle and the exits/ entrances.  All the four major theater stages are also conjoined with the basic elements such as lighting and sound.  Any theater strives to ensure that the audience expectations are met.


Krista, P. [Theatre]. (2009 December 6). KP’S Theatre Class-Types of stages [video file].    Retrieved from"t=29s

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