Cuban Tourism Industry

Tourism in Cuba is an essential economic factor to the country development structure. The tourism in Cuba revolutionize immediately Raul Castro took over the country as the President after his brother. However, Cuba has faced a huge challenge of Communism, which has left the country in an economic crisis. The...

Words: 4073

Pages: 15

Customer Acceptance of Automated Service Technology in the Restaurant Industry

Adoption of technology in the restaurant industry has been accelerated by emerging technological development and stiffer competition. The rising reputation of the self-service technology (SST) and gains accrued to both customers and hoteliers, diminishes the significance of personal service in the industry. Players in the industry are embracing these technologies...

Words: 1354

Pages: 5

The Importance of Cultural Competency in Crisis Intervention

Different crises continue to assail the global population, some caused by human beings themselves while others by nature. Regardless of causes and magnitudes of the outcomes, most of these crises have a detrimental impact on overall mental health of their victims (Silva, Siegmund " Bredemeier, 2015). This may be as...

Words: 1254

Pages: 5

The Boeing Crisis

Boeing is among the leading aircraft manufactures and has been producing planes since 1916. However, by 2008, the company was hit by loss of market share brought about by several factors. Some of these reasons include delays in delivering ordered planes, problems with the planes that were delivered and compensation...

Words: 361

Pages: 2

The Strength and Influence of the United States

After the second world war came to a grinding halt, the United States became the undisputed world superpower. In the late 1980s and the early 1990s, the strength of the U.S was further reinforced and activated after the collapse of the communist power of the Soviet Union. Although the U.S...

Words: 2558

Pages: 10

Comparative Analysis of Politics of China and India

Research Question Despite the fact that China and India are two Asian countries with very big population, one disparity has still remained and it has to do with the economic situation of the two states. The point is that China is currently the largest economy in the world while on the...

Words: 3074

Pages: 12

Causes of Poverty in Democratic Republic of Congo

The Democratic Republic of Congo is located in Central Africa is the second-largest countries in the African Continent. Also, is has one of the highest population amounting to 78 million making it one of the most populated states in the world (The World Bank in DRC). The country attained independence...

Words: 2320

Pages: 9

Making America Great Again

The American dream lies on the fundamentals of making the land of America better and richer for every person based on their abilities and achievements as articulated by James Truslow in the year 1931 (Gupte, 2011). In the passage of time, healthcare has become expensive with people spending trillions of...

Words: 1720

Pages: 7

The Role of Government in Improving Nigeria's Living Standards

In essence, 70 percent of the world's population is mostly living in underdeveloped or developing countries and consume just less than 20 percent of the global output due to lack of economic development and industrialization caused by low: capital investment, income, literacy levels, gross domestic product (GDP) and malnutrition and...

Words: 321

Pages: 2

A Comparison of California and Mississippi

Under ‘Geography Type’ (top right corner of the map viewer), select ‘State’ Under the ‘Characteristics’ column select ‘Total Population’ 1.) (5 pts.) Which state has the largest population size? What is the population size of this state? California is the state with the largest population size, totaling to 38, 654,206. 2.) (5 pts.) Which state has...

Words: 522

Pages: 2

Social Structure in Sociology

Social Structure in Sociology Social structure in sociology implies the difference in class of people regarding economic status, job groups and race. Variance in class in a society sometimes rises the social problems, for example, unemployment, racism, sexism and the illegal immigration. Many individuals’ understanding of the social problems dwells on...

Words: 1129

Pages: 5

Gender Inequality in the Aviation Industry

The aviation industry and gender inequality The aviation industry has been around since the year 1903, and it has been a source of employment to many people both male and female. The inescapable fact is that there are roles that have been held by men only such as pilot and others...

Words: 1513

Pages: 6

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