4.1 Introduction Technological advances in mobile communication devices and breakthrough in dating apps, virtual communities have emerged, characterized by increased socialization in a virtual society. Dating in contemporary societies is only a swipe away. Studies indicate that at least 1 in 10 Americans use online dating services (Alhabash, Hales, Baek...
Words: 4800
Pages: 18
The Emergence of the Digital Culture and Liquid Love The emergence of the digital culture has shaped our everyday lives in significant ways. With the modern technologies, people are able to connect, regardless of their locations, time zones and cultural backgrounds; as a result, forming an intimated relationship is easier than...
Words: 2512
Pages: 10
Office Dating and Its Implications Office dating is on the rise these days, and most employees appear to see no problem with being involved in such relationships. Given the length of time spent at work, some employees claim that workplace dating is natural. According to a recent CareerBuilder survey, over two...
Words: 781
Pages: 3