Essays on Customer

Value-chain analysis Tiffany and Co

Tiffany and Co is an American luxury jewelry company that began in 1837 as a stationery and upmarket merchandise emporium but later specialized in jewelry in 1853. Since then, the company has opened stores in major capitals all over the world. Tiffany and Co became a fully-fledged publicly traded corporation...

Words: 452

Pages: 2

The Use of Social Media as a Marketing Tool

The social media platform acts as a frontline in marketing goods and services in the business firms. Business industries can now access resources that were unavailable building worthiness and creating strategic relationships between the customers and suppliers through interaction. Understanding the social media is a rising necessity for business owners...

Words: 4115

Pages: 15

The Importance of Technology in Restaurants

The purpose of the study was to determine the impact of technology in the restaurant industry particularly the importance of these innovations on the overall operations. The section provides results for the finding from the primary and secondary data collected regarding the research problem. Notably, the specific objectives that were...

Words: 3065

Pages: 12

Customer Acceptance of Automated Service Technology in the Restaurant Industry

Adoption of technology in the restaurant industry has been accelerated by emerging technological development and stiffer competition. The rising reputation of the self-service technology (SST) and gains accrued to both customers and hoteliers, diminishes the significance of personal service in the industry. Players in the industry are embracing these technologies...

Words: 1354

Pages: 5

Tsuleff's Prospecting Techniques

There is a lot of competition in any industry. Therefore, it is essential for Tsuleff to come up with new techniques that will enable him to succeed and achieve his goals. However, a person may wonder why he has to do this yet it is evident from the scenario given...

Words: 385

Pages: 2

The Importance of Catering to Customers in Higher Education

Standard education in higher learning institutions is not enough for attaining learner satisfaction. Usually, the students expect more from the time they are admitted into an institution to the time they complete their education. Primarily, students are important in the daily operations of the school as well as ensure sustainability...

Words: 862

Pages: 4

Garnier Fructis Commercial Analysis

The Garnier Fructis Shampoo The Garnier Fructis Shampoo is one of the largest and popular shampoo product in the American market. Fructis advertisement tends to appeal to its target audience who are women, by addressing concerns about beauty. The advertisement has a message promoting the idea of beauty which emphasizes confidence...

Words: 385

Pages: 2

Strategic Plan for Cross Senior Homes

An action plan An action plan refers to a detail of several steps that an organization takes to enable it to fulfill certain preset objectives (Handley, et al., 2006).This paper thereby creates an action plan for the implementation of the strategic plan within the following three years. Objectives to improve profitability and...

Words: 702

Pages: 3

Customer Interface

The customer interface can be defined as a simulated reality substitute of an organization proposed terms. It is designed using characteristics of customer interconnection which are; context, content, community, customization, communication, connection and commerce (Kang, 2015). Context Depicts the company’s ease of accessing data and has aesthetics which can be defined as...

Words: 651

Pages: 3

Benefits of Networking

A network can be defined as a group of computer systems and computer hardware devices that are interlinked via channels of communication that enable sharing of resources among multiple users and facilitate communication. A network allows sharing of operating programs on remote systems and sharing a single hardware device such...

Words: 583

Pages: 3

The Granularity and Concreteness of Service-Oriented Architecture

With the modern-day business becoming complex each day, organizations are quickly adapting to various cutting-edge developments that influence the behavior and structure of different business processes. Such processes are the representations of the work including the Business Process Management Systems (BPMS), which offer significant support to the business. As a...

Words: 641

Pages: 3

The Importance of Internal and External Customers in a Business

Both internal and external customers are essential assets for a business. Firstly, external customers are a reason why the company exists, meaning that without them, the company will not have the revenue to run its activities. An organization designs its products with the aim of attracting, pleasing, and meeting the...

Words: 293

Pages: 2

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