Tsuleff's Prospecting Techniques

There is a lot of competition in any industry. Therefore, it is essential for Tsuleff to come up with new techniques that will enable him to succeed and achieve his goals. However, a person may wonder why he has to do this yet it is evident from the scenario given that he has been successful. The answer to this question is that he is expanding his operations quickly, and there are a lot of things he must do to survive. Thus, this essay will analyze how Tsuleff will prospect for new customer’s background (Walsh et al., 2006).

The first thing Tsuleff should do is the prospecting methods to use. The size of his venture is small, which means he can sell directly to groceries and food shops. Additionally, to identify his prospects, he should look for SIC codes for firms in his area of the target. Through this, he can search databases to so that he can know his prospects and their areas of operation (Moncrief " Marshall, 2005).

The second thing Tsuleff should know is how he will qualify the leads he receives. To achieve this, adequate information will be required, and this can be obtained through promotional literature, by using the web, and personal contact with the individuals. One of the factors to consider is whether the lead will help Tsuleff sell his products (Walsh et al., 2006).

Also, Tsuleff should know how to organize his prospects. The first thing is to see the technique he will use to quantify his prospects. After selecting the methods to use he should then set quotas, which will apply to the leads and also those who turn to qualified prospects. Additionally, he should keep track and evaluate the progress of his prospects.

Lastly, he should know the techniques he will use to keep records of his business. Storage of information can be done in a computer database. All data regarding the leads should be appropriately stored. This method will enable him to obtain the information about his prospects very easily.


Moncrief, W. C., " Marshall, G. W. (2005). The evolution of the seven steps of selling. Industrial Marketing Management, 34(1), 13-22.

Walsh, G., Dinnie, K., " Wiedmann, K. P. (2006). How do corporate reputation and customer satisfaction impact customer defection? A study of private energy customers in Germany. Journal of Services Marketing, 20(6), 412-420.

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