Essays on Contemporary History

Pulp Fiction: An Intertextual Masterpiece

Intertextuality has become very popular in film production and cultural studies, especially in the second half of the twentieth century. This was brought to life in the 1990s, and director Quentin Tarantino was a pioneer of intertextual referencing in movies with his masterpiece Pulp Fiction. This film bridges an inexcusable...

Words: 3158

Pages: 12

The telegraph revolutionized communication in the Victorian age

In the Victorian Era: Revolutionizing Networking with the TelegraphIn the Victorian era, the telegraph revolutionized networking in the same way as the internet did several decades later. Prior to the invention of the telegraph, correspondence was extremely slow and unreliable. People were able to transmit messages and news quicker than...

Words: 1603

Pages: 6

Contemporary art

Contemporary Art and Conceptual Art Contemporary art is made up of various forms of art, such as Conceptual Art, Minimalism, Burt art, Body art, Op art, Neo-Dadaism, and Op art, to name a few. Because of their individuality and authenticity, these arts originated in the twentieth century. During the 1960s, the...

Words: 625

Pages: 3

Jacques-Louis David and Neoclassicism

Jacques-Louis David: The Pioneer of Neoclassicism Jacques-Louis David, born in 1748 in France, rose to become one of the most influential painters of all time, owing to his pivotal role in the establishment of Neo-Classicism as an art school.The Emergence of Neoclassicism During David's early years, the prevalent fashion style of the...

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Pages: 3

Frank Lloyd Wright

Frank Lloyd Wright: Architecture of the Interior at the Stark Gallery Frank Lloyd Wright is widely regarded as one of the most prominent artists of the twentieth century. Wright spoke on the significance of democracy in architecture. Frank is a significant artist, and he felt that a house was more than...

Words: 1697

Pages: 7

art and fashion

Fashion as a Way of Creative Expression Fashion is a type of creative expression (McRobbie 14). People may use fashion to convey their moods, times, activities, professions, or some other aspect. Fashion may also reveal a person's cultural background. The way a person dresses and the kind of fashion to which...

Words: 775

Pages: 3

The Painting ‘Qui' by George Barbier

George Barbier: A French Artist of the Early Twentieth Century George Barbier is a well-known French artist who rose to prominence in the early twentieth century. He not only designed costumes, but also wallpapers, fans, jewelry, and fabrics. However, George Barbier is best known today for his skills in fashion illustration...

Words: 903

Pages: 4

Explanation of why Portrait of Marevna, c. 1915 in the AIC is Cubist

Explanation on why the AIC's Portrait of Marevna, c. 1915 is in the AIC. Cubism is a dominant modern art movement that emerged in the twentieth century. Portrait of Marevna by Diego Rivera, circa 1915, is a cubism painting since it was formed on a flat two-dimensional surface while opposing...

Words: 336

Pages: 2

the Application Architecture

Since the beginning of the twentieth century, payroll has become one of the most significant applications in many workplaces. The application's ability to monitor and display how organizations and businesses expend their money on paying their workers has made it a must-have application in workplaces. Payroll is now the most...

Words: 908

Pages: 4

The advertisement analysis

The Marketing Review The marketing review constitutes a product audit and is a vital practice in ensuring that promotional costs are minimized. This paper would examine an analysis of twelve wine commercials that depicted America's attempts to learn how to enjoy wine during the twentieth century. The ads highlight the wine...

Words: 1009

Pages: 4

Benefits and Drawbacks of Communitarianism

CommunitarianismCommunitarianism is a political ideology that prioritizes the needs of society over human interests. It is a contemporary philosophy that arose from the Anglo-American academy of the twentieth century (Warburton 4). It was based on the assumption that an individual s identity is centered on relationships within the group. The...

Words: 907

Pages: 4

God on Our Side

Dylan's "Angel on Our Side" Dylan's "Angel on Our Side" was written during the volatile days of the Cuban Missile Crisis, which took the world to the verge of nuclear catastrophe.Reaction to Discrimination As a consequence, the album is a reaction to the country's discrimination. Dylan emphasizes the inconsistency that occurs between...

Words: 281

Pages: 2

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