Essays on Colonialism

Edward Said and Orientalism

Edward Said analyzes the Orient and its underlying philosophy in his book Orientalism. In an effort to comprehend their origins and the factors that led to their dominance, the author analyzes the political, cultural, and historical perspectives of the East as perceived by the West. According to Said (1979), prevailing...

Words: 850

Pages: 4

What does George Orwell’s Burmese Days tell us about the nature of the British Empire?

The Expansion of the British Empire She was able to impose her supremacy over various regions around the world through military and economic means, which greatly contributed to the expansion of the British Empire. It was able to accumulate enough wealth through the economic exploitation of largely uncivilized communities in America,...

Words: 1459

Pages: 6

Death as an aid to Transition between Cultures

According to their intended readership, writers use a variety of themes. The central subject on which a piece of writing is founded is known as the theme. Religion and colonialism are considered as two of the three novels' central themes. In the majority of African countries, religion had a significant...

Words: 1762

Pages: 7

Statement by Pope Nicholas V

On January 5, 1455: Pope Nicholas V issues Romanus Pontifex decree On January 5, 1455, Pope Nicholas V issued a Romanus Pontifex decree allowing Alfonso V of Portugal to enslave non-believers, pagans, and Saracens indefinitely. The declaration advocated enslaving non-Christians from the New World and other regions of Africa, including native...

Words: 605

Pages: 3

Essay on American colonization

The European colonization of America caused its people's lives, customs, and bloodlines to be eternally altered. During their exodus, the North American population was besieged by sickness and misery. In several cases, they fought with the European group that attempted to enslave them. The Tainos were the first indigenous community...

Words: 1687

Pages: 7


Kenya is a country made up of 42 different ethnic groups, as well as various migrant races, Asians, Arabs, and white people who have all coexisted peacefully since their arrival. Being a colony of Great Britain, the nation has benefited from and borrowed many of the British Commonwealth traditions' modes...

Words: 2571

Pages: 10

The Anthropology of Africa essay

Africa is one of the world's least developed continents. It is frequently referred to as the "Dark Continent," and no matter how well-educated and productive the African people are, they continue to draw scorn and derision from all quarters. Africa is recognized as the origin of humanity and the center...

Words: 2534

Pages: 10

Gandhi’s Hind Swaraj

Gandhi's Hind Swaraj, often known as Indian home rule, provided a critique of several facets of colonialism and the succeeding western civilisation that it led to. Gandhi envisioned a different type of government for India—Hindu Swaraj—than the English system. You want the tiger's nature, but not the tiger, he said....

Words: 1577

Pages: 6

The Diffusion of Sports to British Colonies

Introduction Most academics and researchers have concentrated on the detrimental repercussions of colonialism, such as deforestation and the deterioration of indigenous culture. The extension of British civilization, however, to other regions of the world helped the colonies' colonial development. This study makes the claim that colonization caused the spread of modern...

Words: 993

Pages: 4

Shooting an Elephant; George Orwell

The Short Tale of George Orwell Shooting an Elephant The short tale of George Orwell shooting an elephant is a description of life under colonial rule in the town of Moulmein in the then British Colony of Burma (Orwell). Orwell s Introduction to Colonial Rule Orwell is working here as the top security...

Words: 893

Pages: 4

the beliefs and the bunyoro

Bunyoro kingdom was one of the territories that existed in Uganda, an east African nation. Following its separation from the northern kingdom of Sangora, also known as the Chwezi Empire, the Bunyoro kingdom was founded. The Bachwezi people founded the kingdom in the 16th century. About the fact that the...

Words: 599

Pages: 3

Becoming Less Connected Through Connection

The spoken word and its evolution The spoken word has been under threat of imperialism since the dawn of time. Even before our ancestors evolved and became acquainted with the language, they used pictures to communicate, and then sophisticated minds developed that we're able to communicate using words from all over...

Words: 1390

Pages: 6

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