Join the SkyWings of Fire in a Fight Against the Dragonets in Wings of Fire

Sutherland's Inspiration Sutherland first became interested in writing about dragons after being encouraged by her agent Steven Malk to do so. The result is Wings of Fire, a series of books about dragons who fall in love, have adventures, and struggle with problems just like humans do. While they may be...

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A Poison Tree by William Blake

A Poison Tree - A Poem by William Blake A Poison Tree is a poem by William Blake published in Songs of Experience in 1794. It is a story of a narrator whose repressed anger leads him to murder. Read this poem and you'll see why it's an important poem. It's...

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I Hear America Singing

I hear America singing begins with a poem and linoleum-cut illustrations. Whitman uses the speaker's voice to evoke an image of America that reflects his sense of place and national identity. But is he really painting a true portrait of our nation? What are some of Whitman's omissions? And does...

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Who Is Absalom?

Absalom was the third son of David, king of Israel. He was married to Macah, the daughter of Talmai, the king of Geshur. Despite his deceit and vengeful plot, Absalom still managed to be one of David s most popular sons. In fact, he was named after his father, David....

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Bartleby the Scrivener Analysis

The key figure in Bartleby the Scrivener is the lawyer who narrates the tale. The lawyer, who is sixty-years-old, holds the position of Master in Chancery, a lucrative position that is granted to friends and relatives of powerful individuals. He takes great pride in his prudence and even...

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Sherwood Anderson - A Biography

The True History of Life The true history of life is not a plot or conflict. It is the moments of our lives that make them memorable. Winesburg stories do not include a plot or a conflict, but work together to create an epiphany, which is a moment of insight, either...

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Ender's Game by Orson Scott Card

"Ender's Game" by Orson Scott Card is a 1985 military science fiction novel. The novel depicts two conflicts between humankind and an insectoid alien race known as the Formics. The book depicts how the human race must work to save itself, despite being under attack from the Formics. This novel...

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Sons and Lovers Analysis

In the novel, Sons and Lovers, Paul Morel suffers from the psychological disorder called Oedipus complex. Although the disorder has many different causes, a traumatic event in the child's early life may have influenced the development of this disorder. It was presumed that this condition was a result of the...

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Jasper Jones - Aaron McGrath

Jasper Jones: A Critically Acclaimed Novel Jasper Jones is a 2009 novel by Australian writer Craig Silvey. It has won several awards including the International Dublin Literary Award, and was shortlisted for the Pulitzer Prize. In addition, the American Library Association ranked the novel among its 'Best Fiction for Young Adults'...

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Life of Pi - A Book Review

Santosh Patel's Tragic Journey Santosh Patel sold his Indian zoo and boarded a freighter headed for Canada. Unfortunately, his freighter was hit by a terrible storm and sank. Only Pi, the teenage son of Patel, survived. Luckily, he had taken a Bengal tiger with him. They find refuge on the lifeboat...

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The Awakening

The Awakening: A Relevant Work The Awakening was a controversial novel when it was first published in 1962. Critics condemned the heroine's emotional, sexual, and spiritual awakening and the novel went into obscurity. After 70 years, however, it was rediscovered and reread in the context of the radical 1960s. Today, "The...

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The Benefits of White Noise and Pink Noise

In order to use statistical independence two variables must be uncorrelated and have zero covariance. The covariance matrix of white noise vector w is an n by n diagonal matrix, and the element Rii represents the variance of component wi. The covariance matrix must also be unidimensional, meaning that its diagonal...

Words: 502

Pages: 2

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