Pokémon Go: Transmedia Storytelling

In the continuous restless search for intellectual development, generations always look for new ways through which they can be entertained. Story-telling in these cases is one of the traditional instruments known for audience engagement and amusement, followed by art, written texts then music. It is through movies that books were...

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Pages: 5

The Importance of Privacy in The Circle

Through Egger's' book, The Circle A reader can effectively examine the perception that secrets are lies, sharing is caring, and privacy is theft. As evident in The Circle, sharing is a form of caring because it helps in the improvement of welfare of other personalities in a society, for instance, in...

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The Importance of J.K Rowling's Speech

J.K. Rowling speech: “The Fringe Benefits of Failure, and the Importance of Imagination” Rowling’s Speech J.K Rowling is one of the prominent people who has been able to achieve much success in this world as a result of her personality. She is known for being the author of Harry Potter which is...

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The Circle by Dave Eggers

The Circle and The Transparent Shark The Circle and The Transparent Shark are books written by Dave Eggers and in them, lots of metaphors are applied. The Transparent Shark is an implication of how technology is virtual and consumes us in a way that is more astitute than we suppose. An...

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Essential Principles of Teaching Reading

In essence, when it comes to learning, there is a lot that should be brought into consideration. However, I agree with your choice of the essential principles and also your entire discussion. For sure, while the ability to read is very vital in any form of learning, so is the...

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The Importance of Reading Books

There is a big difference between earliest reading memories among students, as compared to the 21st century literacy activities. Students during the early periods learned mostly through various engagements, for example, gaming and watching educative TV sessions. In the age of Internet and wireless devices, the current literacy activities, according...

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Lying in a Falsified Life

In this world, there is one truth—everybody is a liar! At one point or another in a person’s life—one must have talked a lie. Kindly, do not get me wrong, get me right. I am not trying to in any way justify filthy lifestyle liars would often find themselves in....

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The Role of Symbolism in "The Machine Stops"

is a narrative that explains events resembling two different types of religion. It is concerned mainly with the faith practiced by different people. The book describes the people as those who live in isolation and cannot bear living on the earth`s surface thus they live on the ground one. The...

Words: 868

Pages: 4

Sonia Sotomayor's My Beloved World

The Journey of Sonya Sotomayor The first Hispanic and third woman to sit on the Supreme Court bench, Sonya Sotomayor is undoubtedly an icon to many in the world. Her great feats, however, caused many to be curious about her journey. Sonia's appointment as a supreme court judge has dramatically fueled...

Words: 614

Pages: 3

The Psychology of Jem

Everyone has friends who have acted out of character, who have said or done something that is not like them. When such a person is not acting like himself, we know him and how he or she should behave. A Mockingbird, for instance, defines a creature that does not do...

Words: 2332

Pages: 9

Use of Rhetoric in Christopher Newfield and Edu-Factory Collective

In this assignment, I will be analyzing the use of rhetoric in both Christopher Newfield and the Edu-Factory Collective s The Corporate university and the Financial Crisis: What is Going on (Newfield piece) , and Lazzarato s Governing Debt . Both pieces convey the same idea that student...

Words: 1033

Pages: 4

The Journey of Dorothy Gale in The Wonderful Wizard of Oz

Frank Baum's story Frank Baum’s story is a fairy tale about a girl named Dorothy, who was an orphan and lived with her uncle in Kansas. One day a wild cyclone swept across the community where Dorothy and her uncle had been living in and swept their house (Baum 7). At...

Words: 942

Pages: 4

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