Essays on Biology

Politics and Religion in Primary Civilizations

Humans are goal-oriented creatures The main goals of every human civilization are sustainability and improved quality of life. People partake in diverse facets of life in search of these aims, such as conflicts, migration, and marriage. In addition to these engagements, humanity must deal with natural disasters such as drought, flooding,...

Words: 1450

Pages: 6

clean water and international wars

The World Health Organisation Guidelines for Water QualityThe World Health Organisation (WHO) has developed and adopted universal criteria for water quality safe for human use in order to encourage healthy health and physical fitness. The guidelines were established in Geneva in 1993 and are adopted by both developed and developing...

Words: 669

Pages: 3

history of tattoos, body piercings and art

Humans show themselves in a variety of ways. - individual is special and may identify themselves in a number of ways. In certain parts of the world, people use their skin as a kind of novel, with photographs and decorations added to alter their appearance. Personal enjoyment, physical appearance, bravery,...

Words: 1455

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King Lear Literary Essay

Any people will put their own best interests aside for the sake of the greater good. Much of the time, these people are uncommon. Humans have multiple self-interests in life, and most of them choose to form bonds with those interests, making it impossible for them to prioritize spiritual acts...

Words: 1676

Pages: 7

christianity vs. buddhism

IntroductionReligion refers to human relationships that they believe to be divine, moral, or sacred. There are several different types of religions in the world today. That is because of the numerous cultural traditions that occur among people. Many nations in the world have religious freedom, which encourages people to dedicate...

Words: 919

Pages: 4

Claims about Robert Heinlein’s Friday

Friday by Robert A. Heinlein is a novel about a genetically modified human named Friday Baldwin who is an artificial being. Friday acts as a self-sufficient "war messenger" for a clandestine private entity that is part spy agency, part militia organization, and part think tank. She is an artificial human...

Words: 1579

Pages: 6

WWF and Greenpeace Views on Palm Oil

Views on Palm Oil from the WWF and Greenpeace The World Wildlife Fund envisions a palm oil market that is inclusive and based on environmentally sustainable and acceptable sourcing and processing (WWF 2017a, p.1). The global demand for and production of palm oil has increased rapidly, according to the WWF (2017,...

Words: 1180

Pages: 5

What did Heraclitus mean when he said "logos"?

When Heraclitus coined the term "logos," he was attempting to explain God's nature and divinity. Logos is that which is universally recognized and exists, but which is difficult for humans to comprehend. Because they fail to apply reason and understanding beyond what they see, humans may be inexperienced in the...

Words: 975

Pages: 4

Fermentation Paper

Fermentation is a metabolic process that transforms sugar into alcohol, gases, and acids, among other things. To manufacture fermentation products, fermentation bacteria use organic molecules as the final electron acceptor (Katz 2016). The bacteria are primarily responsible for the metabolic process that initiates the fermentation process (Pothakos, Illeghems, Laureys, Spitaels,...

Words: 362

Pages: 2


A tattoo is a form of body modification in which a pattern is produced by injecting dyes, pigments, and ink, either temporary or permanent, into the skin's dermis coating to alter the color. Permanent tattoos are produced by injecting pigment into the skin's epidermal-dermal junction with a needle (DeMello, 2014)....

Words: 1264

Pages: 5

Speciesism and Equality of Animals

Recognize and Relate the Understanding of Speciesism, and Motivate the Technique of Species Moderating. Thesis statement: Research on the rise of Speciesism among humans understanding of animal rights violations, which includes examinations of human attitudes toward useless species, comparing ability and aptitude as determinants of species similarity by morality, and...

Words: 1198

Pages: 5


The presence of biodiversity The presence of various species of organisms in a given location is referred to as biodiversity. A natural area inhabited by a community of plants, animals, and other living things can be defined as such. Every plant species makes a distinct contribution to ecosystems. Although biodiversity varies...

Words: 652

Pages: 3

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