Essays on Biology

Essay on Glaciers

Glaciers are large masses of ice rock that form over many years and do not melt quickly, even in the summer. Glaciers, according to scientists, move slowly across an area such as a mountain valley. Glaciers come in various sizes, ranging from small to large, and can span several miles...

Words: 276

Pages: 2

Essay on Mineral Jade

Jade: A Treasured Gemstone with a Rich History Jade is a greenish-black to creamy white colored ornamental stone or gemstone highly valued in Korea and China. It is a beautiful and long-lasting material that has been used to create sculptures, jewelry, and other objects for over 5000 years. Early Uses of...

Words: 1100

Pages: 4

Self-Actualization Research

It is the want of all human beings to be able to discover all their talents and competencies and using them to achieve an internally driven goal. This wish to have a clear goal in life which is achieved via a combination of one`s true abilities and a draw close...

Words: 982

Pages: 4

The Decline of Neatness: Norman Cousins

In “The Decline of Neatness” essay, written April 2, 1990 Tim, the author, Norman Cousins keeps that a carelessness virus has stretched to all segments of the society. He claims that there are four sorts of mess in the untidy generation. The troubles in the generations he claims include; poor...

Words: 253

Pages: 1

Overfishing (1992 Cod Collapse)

The Impact of Overfishing on Biodiversity Overfishing is described as capturing more fish than the population can replace by natural reproduction, resulting in total depletion. Many animals are being driven to extinction as a result of human impact on the climate. Because of the high demand for larger fish, the stock...

Words: 1569

Pages: 6

stem cell research ethics and policy

Scientists have shown a high degree of creativity and commitment to changing lives through stem cell studies over the last few decades. However, there are ethical and political concerns over the use of human embryonic stem cells in science. And if the scientists' efforts are only in their early stages, there are...

Words: 3135

Pages: 12

Microorganisms in extreme habitats

Microorganisms and Extremophiles Microorganisms are organisms that are modified to survive perfectly even in extreme conditions, and they are called extremophiles. The word, extremophile, is used to describe a microorganism that can survive extreme conditions of temperature, pH level, and foreign solute concentrations that are beyond the range that occur on...

Words: 633

Pages: 3

Why does violence exist in humanity

Human beings are unpredictable species, but one thing remains constant: everyone is engaged in conflict, whether actively or passively. They are either actively involved in violence by participating in violent acts against their fellow beings or passively involved in violence by arranging or hoping for their counterparts to be involved...

Words: 3240

Pages: 12

The Great Man Approach Theory

In the nineteenth century, "The Great Man Approach" In the nineteenth century, "The Great Man Approach" was a common philosophy. It was suggested that "great men" form the course of human history, and that particular historical figures were responsible for the majority of the world's events. This hypothesis was popularized by...

Words: 495

Pages: 2

Stem Cell Research

Stem cell research is an examination process where foremost cells which develop living organisms are examined. The Stem cell procedures are done in the lab where cells are fully fledged to discover their fundamental possession. The stem cell research controversy delivered a powerful debate on ethics in the past years,...

Words: 1232

Pages: 5

concrete and recycled plastic

Globally, there has been a rise in the use of plastics due to the advantages of human life. However, the rise in these plastics has had devastating consequences on the atmosphere in particular. Due to the lack of plastics due to their non-degradable origin, experts have been exploring for decades...

Words: 1017

Pages: 4

Social Justice, Utilitarianism and Intersectionality

Human life also has numerous sociological and ecological problems. The response depends on the personal viewpoint when exposed to various factors. Some social influences can, however, influence an individual s psychological disposition. The philosophy of man has been clarified. This is a talk of intersectionality, utilitarianism and perception of intersectionality...

Words: 855

Pages: 4

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