‘The World of Epictetus,' by James Bond Stockdale

James Bond Stockdale served in the United States Navy as a vice admiral and was one of the most decorated officers in the service's history. He studied philosophy at Stanford University while serving in the military as a pilot. He chose to study philosophy on his own initiative because he...

Words: 3049

Pages: 12

Civil Service Curriculum in China

Undoubtedly, the Chinese Civil Service Curriculum is the longest academic assessment system in human history. It was formed around 146 BCE and, in 1905, was eventually abolished. The test, taken only by boys, qualified applicants to work for the imperial government and helped form China's socio-cultural, political, academic and economic spheres....

Words: 582

Pages: 3

Japanese Ceramics History

The Records of Japanese Ceramics The records of the Japanese ceramics started with the Jomon earthenware, which was later observed by the Yayoi that integrated most of the thoughts that began in the first period. The third length that followed was the Kofun, which existed round third and seventh centuries, and...

Words: 1446

Pages: 6

Diary of a "Bewitched" and " Madman"

The Diary of a Madman The diary of a madman and bewitched are carefully related literary work that are used in depicting the culture, economy, and social norms in the Japanese and China societies. The roles of man in the society clearly come out in both stories. The diary of a...

Words: 333

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The significances of red envelopes: Promises and lies at a Singaporean Chinese funeral

The meanings of red envelopes: Promises and lies at a Singaporean Chinese funeral The article The meanings of red envelopes: Promises and lies at a Singaporean Chinese funeral written by Ruth E. Toulson, revolves around a large question: Why do red envelopes appear at Singaporean Chinese funerals? The creator...

Words: 1325

Pages: 5

Diwali, india

Diwali: The Festival of Lights Diwali is only one of the many festivals celebrated in India. Diwali, or the Festival of Lights, is one of the most highly celebrated festivals in the world, both among Hindus and people of other faiths. Since it is synonymous with folklore, the festival has long...

Words: 395

Pages: 2

North Korean Missile Tests and Media Literacy

Literacy has been called reading and writing for many years. The knowledge is entangled in a web of media technology in modern times. The ability to read and differentiate the various types of media is more than necessary. The ability to interpret, develop, access, create and assess media is therefore...

Words: 910

Pages: 4

Nuclear Program

Concerns over North Korea s Nuclear Program To start, I d like to express my gratitude for your decision not to give up North Korea s nuclear program. I ve heard and read the statements you ve presented in favor of nuclearizing North Korea. With all due respect, however, I strongly...

Words: 1261

Pages: 5

India’s foreign policy and how culture and ethnicity influence the legitimacy of this country.

The Foreign Policy of India: Shaped by Culture and Ethnicity The article discusses the foreign policy of India and how this country's legitimacy is shaped by culture and ethnicity. Essentially, in deciding what foreign policies represent India best, there are external and internal factors at stake. There are other dynamics in...

Words: 626

Pages: 3

Empress Wu's colonial influence in China

Empress Wu s colonial influence on the Chinese Patriarchal Culture In the history of China, the majority of empires were governed and ruled by men. In the situation, however, where women came to power, such as Empress Wu, major impacts were felt, especially if the former leadership stressed the patriarchy system....

Words: 625

Pages: 3

Nuclear Weapons and North Korea

Nuclear bombs are still a source of contention today. Despite the fact that some may regard them as a regrettable relic or remnant of the Cold War. Nuclear-weapons states are clinging to them as tightly as they can, inventing new designs and functions for them. They've also proposed tiny arms...

Words: 2221

Pages: 9

Leaders in Indian Cinema are family dynasties

The Indian Cinema is made up of all the films produced in India. The film industry in India as a whole is referred to as Bollywood Approximately 1600 Indian films are made annually on average. By 2013, Bollywood was named the leading producer of films ahead of Nollywood and Hollywood, respectively. Bollywood...

Words: 1766

Pages: 7

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