Problem Solution Essays

Quite popular in the Law and Marketing disciplines, problem solution essay samples represent a type of persuasion where an author tries to persuade one's audience to show some care about the issue in question by offering solutions to a problem. Writing a problem-solution essay means determining the problem and coming up with a list of pre-made defensive statements or reasoning, so you can address the concerns of your readers. It should represent a specific debate where you must guess the possible objectives of your audience and address them in each body paragraph. Check our free problem solution essay examples to see how to structure your thoughts and sound persuasive enough to maintain your thesis statement's reliability.

The Barriers to Effective Interpersonal Communication and How to Overcome Them

Interpersonal communication plays an integral role not only in boosting relationships at the workplace but also in enhancing one’s relationships with family members and friends. According to Sethi " Seth (2009), interpersonal communication refers to the process through which individuals swap feelings and information through the use of verbal and...

Words: 1445

Pages: 6

Essential Principles of Teaching Reading

In essence, when it comes to learning, there is a lot that should be brought into consideration. However, I agree with your choice of the essential principles and also your entire discussion. For sure, while the ability to read is very vital in any form of learning, so is the...

Words: 310

Pages: 2

Waterloo Region's Vital Signs

The Research Paper's Focus on Waterloo Region's Vital Signs The research paper primarily focuses towards analyzing the journal's reporting on the "Waterloo Region's Vital Signs." There are various signs in the journal that help in examining the priorities of the Waterloo community. The journal describes "vital signs" in three distinct perspectives....

Words: 941

Pages: 4

Five Love Languages

The Five Languages of Love The primary objective of Five Languages of Love is to assist individuals to demonstrate love to their partners in ways that will be received. The book is based on the assumption that just as there are different spoken languages all over the world, different types of...

Words: 879

Pages: 4

The Influence of Religion, Culture and Social Media on Gender Equality

The purpose of this study The purpose of this study will be to explain the reasons behind better opportunities for women in western countries compared to the eastern nations that have a long history of gender discrimination. The eastern world has adopted a conservative nature in determining the social order, and...

Words: 1074

Pages: 4

Should Video Games be Considered a Sport?

Video gaming which can be said is a game played by electronically manipulating images produced by a program on a monitor cannot be remotely be considered as a sport because it does not involve going out to the field and actually doing some exercise. Subsequently, the player is not involved...

Words: 867

Pages: 4

Pokémon Go: Transmedia Storytelling

In the continuous restless search for intellectual development, generations always look for new ways through which they can be entertained. Story-telling in these cases is one of the traditional instruments known for audience engagement and amusement, followed by art, written texts then music. It is through movies that books were...

Words: 1158

Pages: 5

The Relationship Between Play and Games

Play is the theoretical form of learning where ideologies restrict one’s behavior and identity. Play is usually perceived to be a deviation from a commitment to social relationships (Landreth, 2011). The society labels play in adulthood while play associates with happiness in childhood.  Researchers analyze play beyond the specifications of...

Words: 1747

Pages: 7

Should The Federal Government Legalize Euthanasia?

Euthanasia and its Controversy Euthanasia is a practice of aided suicide aimed at relieving an individual's pain and suffering. The debate on whether Euthanasia should be allowed is controversial because of the perceived infringement of an individual right to life through aided suicide. Voluntary euthanasia is permitted in some selected states...

Words: 379

Pages: 2

The Emergence of The Digital Culture Has Shaped Our Everyday Lives

The Emergence of the Digital Culture and Liquid Love The emergence of the digital culture has shaped our everyday lives in significant ways. With the modern technologies, people are able to connect, regardless of their locations, time zones and cultural backgrounds; as a result, forming an intimated relationship is easier than...

Words: 2512

Pages: 10

Social Media Marketing: Advantages and Disadvantages

In the contemporary world, it is almost impossible to ignore the potential of social media on any business operation. Social media has resulted in many people conducting most of their social engagements online (Lafayette). Social media use has made it possible for people in various parts of the world to...

Words: 1701

Pages: 7

The Black Market in Human Organs

The Growing Market for Human Organs The market for human organs is growing very fast because of the number of organ transplants performed yearly. Also, this market is characterized by issues of illegal practices, which turns it to a black market. Because of the rising health problems such as kidney issues,...

Words: 367

Pages: 2

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