The Influence of Religion, Culture and Social Media on Gender Equality

The purpose of this study

The purpose of this study will be to explain the reasons behind better opportunities for women in western countries compared to the eastern nations that have a long history of gender discrimination. The eastern world has adopted a conservative nature in determining the social order, and this is why culture and religion have been dominant with minimal chances of embracing liberal ideals and ideas (Benstead 2015, p.1190). In the western world, social dynamism has made people appreciate the role of women in the society, thus, offering many job opportunities as well as protecting their rights. The social media continue to facilitate the campaign for gender equality, an aspect promoting democratic ideals.

Background Information

Fundamentalism in the Middle Eastern nations has cemented the idea that Islam should be dominant and further influence politics and a culture the keeps the status of women to be very low. As opposed to the western world, women's social position in Muslim countries has being so interfered into such that some women need written permissions from their husbands to travel (Gerami 23). Islamic fundamentalists are more concerned about women rights which might undermine the domineering status of men and therefore train their girls and women on how to become housewives thus restricting their presence in political life and legal professions (Moghadam 1140). For this community, adopting a western culture will result in social breakdown and disintegration of families. Unjust laws, therefore, continue to be enacted, guided by discriminatory constitutions and a form of a biased mentality of the policymakers.

Aim and Research Question

Researchers in the modern world are concerned gender equality and the importance of involving women in developmental programs. However, a uniform campaign around the world has been hindered because of the hard religious stances adopted in the eastern world. Creating opportunities for women is a matter of concern to policymakers in the political, social and economic sectors.

Scope: The research paper will specifically look at the various factors causing inequalities in opportunities between the eastern and the western world. Specific focus will be placed on religion, culture, social media among other factors.

Research Question: How does religion, culture and the modern concept of the social media brings a difference between the eastern and the western culture?

Secularisation is embraced more in the western world compared to the eastern nations and the latter therefore lock out women from many opportunities that they are well fit.

Literature Review

Religion and culture have been controversial factors in the Middle East because of hindering women development (Meriwether 2018, p.43). Equal treatment for men in women is an essential pillar for the realisation of international standards for human rights. The western world has women who are empowered and provided with a conducive environment that looks into cases of gender discrimination and the right measures taken to deal with perpetrators. Social media has also become an important part of women lives especially in the delivery of news (O'Brien 2015, p.38). The online platform is limited and regulated in functionality in the eastern world to prevent possible chances of women enlightenment. Besides, all activities that women engage in have to be within the confines of religious doctrines. Because of the rise of multiculturalism and globalisation, gender equality continues to improve in the western world, and the effects and influences are slowly spreading to the rest of the world. Because of the mounting pressure, conservative governments like in Saudi Arabia, Iraq, and Yemen, will eventually find it difficult to contain the expectations of women especially those who make it to the labour force (Manea 2012, p.17). Most of the limitations on women progress are political and therefore essential to form groups and conduct campaigns to restore the normalcy through the emphasis on equality, fairness and justice. The religious doctrines guiding the behaviour and conduct of women in the Middle East will eventually loosen, and women will start selecting the best teachings from religion that do not undermine their progress. The western world has been laying more emphasis on meritocracy, and therefore, religion has no place to dominate the affairs of the state.


The research paper will use a cross-sectional survey design in the analysis of the qualitative and quantitative data. Both primary and secondary data will be used in this research, of qualitative and qualitative nature.

Primary Data: Primary data will be obtained from newspapers that have being reporting cases of abuse in the middle east and observing the trend. Quantitative data will look at the rate of unemployment between the two regions. Qualitative data will capture the feelings of the people in these two regions regarding women opportunities.

Secondary Data: Secondary data will be obtained from the work of past researchers who carried out studies on the controversial issues. Secondary data will look at the findings done by other researchers to capture the feelings and the statistical data.


The research topic is essential because the modern world is concerned about how all members in the society can live a happy life without any forms of discriminations. Failing to address these inequalities will hinder the development of democratic principles (Moghadam 2003, p.12). The middle east should realise that women in the developed world are actively being involved in development plans. Finding a solution to address the inequalities in opportunity will reduce chances of economic development and the best option is to actively engage all the members in developmental matters. The research will be unique from others because of adopting a comparative stand in solving the controversial matter. The research can be improved through active engagement of the affected communities in order to capture the feelings of the participants.


Benstead, L.J., 2015. Why do some Arab citizens see democracy as unsuitable for their            country?. Democratization, 22(7), pp.1183-1208.

Gerami, Shahin. Women and fundamentalism: Islam and Christianity. Routledge, 2012.

Manea, E., 2012. The Arab state and women's rights: the trap of authoritarian governance.    Routledge.

Meriwether, M.L., 2018. A social history of women and gender in the modern Middle East.    Routledge.

Moghadam, Valentine M. "Islamic feminism and its discontents: Toward a resolution of the       debate." Signs: Journal of Women in Culture and Society 27.4 (2002): 1135-1171.

Moghadam, V.M., 2003. Modernizing women: Gender and social change in the Middle East.                  Lynne Rienner Publishers.

Tessler, Mark. "Islam and democracy in the Middle East: The impact of religious orientations on attitudes toward democracy in four Arab countries." Comparative Politics (2002): 337    354.

O'Brien, M., 2015, January. Violence Against Women in Social Media, Feminism, and Human Rights. In Formal Dinner.

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