The Crash is an American drama film written and directed by Paul Haggis that was released in 2004. In this video, social and racial tensions in Los Angeles are depicted (Al Junaibi, 2016). The film, which Haggis describes as his "passion piece," was inspired by a real-life incident in which...
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Chapter 13: The State of Artworks in 1969 The chapter provides an account of the state of the artworks in 1969 in the U.S., specially in New York City. The author stated that the course of avant-garde exhibitions reached its watershed in 1969. It used to be also the year that...
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The northeastern United States is home to many unique and beautiful sights. The area is known for its colonial history, forested mountains and ocean coastline. The region is also home to Boston, a city that predates the American Revolution. A trip to Boston can include a tour of the Freedom...
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In the novel The Catcher in the Rye, Holden is both the primary character and one of the characters. He comes from a wealthy family in New York City, so he was admitted to one of the finest boarding schools in the city. However, he was unable to maintain his...
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Paragraph 1 It's always a treat to visit a location that corresponds to the physical characteristics you've learned about as a geography student. Marine life has always awed me because it is a world unto itself that we are unaware of. As a result, I enjoy going to the sea whenever...
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Introduction Over the last two years, the rodent population in Boston has increased by more than 28 percent, with the city showing a 28 percent rise since 2014. Although the problem affects all parts of the city, it seems to be more pronounced in areas populated by the less affluent. The...
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Introduction This famous island is located in San Francisco, CA. It was built as a prison because from 1934 to 1963, America's most dangerous criminals operated in that region. Famous hardcore mobster Al Capone "Scarface" was held in prison between the years 1899-1947. Also, "Birdman of Alcatraz," also known as Robert,...
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Young people make up the majority of those living in poverty. According to the United States Department of Labor, one out of every four children lives in poverty. More than 17% of school-age children are poor, and they seem to carry their poverty issues to schools and classrooms. Students who...
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The Inuit are indigenous communities who have survived and managed the Arctic regions. They occupy components of Northern and Eastern Alaska, northern portions of Canada, and Greenland. The Inuit territory in Canada is called Nunavut, an place about two million square kilometers wide. This section of Canada had been formally...
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Starbucks is a coffee house of American origin with several chain stores all around the world and is headquartered in Seattle, Washington. The company is recognized for its prowess in the coffee industry, thanks to its many years of industry experience, to improve production and efficiency. The company is recognized...
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Understanding the Situation My class assignment is to study and critique the 2016 emergency activity in the state of Alaska. Understanding the situation is the planning phase stage that will assist me most with my project. This phase requires the detection of a specific place s dangers and risks. The method...
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Introduction I have a film booth in Las Vegas and will keep in touch with you for a public exhibition in Las Vegas, where Kinect is used in a month and a half for a big display. The Benefits of Kinect in Marketing Just recently, I showed records at my corner which show...
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