Essays on The Hunger Games

Make your district proud with your The Hunger Games essay. This franchise has been a respite for young-adult dystopian fantasy lovers for years now, and it still keeps the ball rolling with a fourth book that just came out this year. Take a peek into a bleak world of District 12 and accompany a girl who simply wanted to keep her family alive, but ended up being a beacon of hope for the entire nation. The Hunger Games essays are very popular with students, as they allow exploring many important topics this franchise has to offer, such as survival, justice, social inequality, poverty, freedom, friendship, love, etc. – essays on The Hunger Games can take many directions. We held a Reaping to pick the ultimate samples of The Hunger Games essays – you can check them out below. However, if our The Hunger Games essay samples don't suffice, we volunteer as tribute to write an essay especially for you!

“The Hunger Games”

The subject of romance in literature The subject of romance has consistently emerged as a popular and relatable one throughout literature's history. This theme in "The Hunger Games" The poor are nominated to participate in annual fighting contests that are hosted by wealthy citizens in Suzanne Collins' book "The Hunger Games," which is...

Words: 655

Pages: 3

The Hunger Games and the giver comparison

Suzanne Collins wrote the dystopian trilogy The Hunger Games. The Giver, on the other hand, is an American young adult dystopian novel written by Lois Lowry. Both books begin each day in a dystopian environment. The setting is a genre that seems to be complicated. They prefer to share such...

Words: 2230

Pages: 9

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