In 1983, Sandra Cisneros released her collection of short stories titled The House on Mango Street Esperanza, a young woman who writes in the first person, shares her adventures during her first year of living in a home on Mango Street. Esperanza gives a description of her new home, her routine,...
Words: 268
Pages: 1
Trying to understand people has been one of the problems that has plagued people from all walks of life for years. We've been reflecting on our personal lives, noting that the influence of others has a significant impact on our lives. In any situation, an individual is not an island,...
Words: 339
Pages: 2
The House on Mango Street is a novel about the challenges of living in cities where there is little to no access to basic necessities such as adequate shelter, electricity, food, and sanitation. It also uses imagery from a female viewpoint to present topics such as spatial belonging and gender...
Words: 415
Pages: 2