Essays on Patient


Identifying Vital Patient Information As a nurse, it is critical to identify vital patient information that should be maintained in a common database since this information leads the decision-making process of the health professionals working on the patient's case. Despite the fact that most hospitals employ structured data input forms to...

Words: 685

Pages: 3

The Euthanasia definition

Euthanasia is the act of murdering a human voluntarily or involuntarily, and it is motivated by circumstances such as terminal disease or a family feud over inheritance, among others. It is strictly outlawed in many nations around the world, with the majority of them invoking the value of life. The...

Words: 1480

Pages: 6

Under which conditions is euthanasia morally permissible?

Euthanasia is the intentional killing of terminally ill patients who are in excruciating pain and suffering. A morally admissible behavior is one that is permitted by the moral system. Euthanasia is used to relieve the agony and suffering of a patient whose condition is incurable. In most cases, euthanasia is...

Words: 1407

Pages: 6

About problem-solving

Evidence Levels in Clinical Practice Evidence levels imply a problem-solving procedure used in clinical practice. It is a type of study that is carried out using well-designed methods that include both patient values and preferences as well as strong evidence to assist the physician in making decisions about the patient's care...

Words: 343

Pages: 2

Barriers to Adopting Evidence-Based Practice EBP

Evidence-Based Practice (EBP) Evidence-Based Practice (EBP) is the use of the most recent best evidence in making choices about patient treatment. The EBP primarily incorporates existing research to improve patient outcomes and guide nurse care. This enables caregivers and health practitioners to approach healthcare issues in a qualitative and evaluative manner....

Words: 589

Pages: 3

Family Nurse Practitioner in Outpatient Setting

Family Nurse Practitioner in Outpatient Environment Crucial Patient Interview Questions When did you first notice the abdominal pain? When did you first notice a lack of menstrual periods? When did you first notice vaginal bleeding? What was the duration? Have you previously had an ectopic pregnancy? Have you ever had a fallopian tube disorder? Do you...

Words: 486

Pages: 2

Adoption of a comprehensive patient record

Adoption of a comprehensive patient record Adoption of a comprehensive patient record is one of the most significant innovations in the health sector since it allows hospitals and community health clinics to share data. The electronic patient record system ensures that all patient information is available electronically and is aimed at...

Words: 1477

Pages: 6

Pitting edema

Decreased cardiac output due to changes in conduction, rate, and rhythm as expressed by 125bpm irregular pulse, apical heart rhythm, pitting edema, and disorientation -Patient will have adequate cardiac output as evidenced by Bp, heart rate, and rhythm being within normal ranges. Keep an eye out for an increase in heart...

Words: 227

Pages: 1

Systematic and practical health information technology in the management of patient’s records

For an efficient and accurate delivery system, there is a global need for systematic and practical health information technology in the management of patient data, diagnosis, and so on. According to the Institute of Medicine research, a more effective and knowledgeable workforce is essential for successful administration of health information...

Words: 1072

Pages: 4

Homecare nursing

Homecare Nursing Benefits Homecare nursing is less expensive than nursing home care or hospitalization. Patients can also spend time with persons they care about, with their pets, and in familiar surroundings, which aids in their recuperation. When a patient's blood pressure needs to be checked, homecare nursing is appropriate since a...

Words: 293

Pages: 2

Interprofessional Collaboration Influence on Nursing Practice

If patient safety during treatment is a concern, healthcare practice is a highly interconnected practice. According to Olson and Bialocerkowski (2014), an interdisciplinary approach is essential to provide a wholesome, holistic solution to unwell patients, which is always the secondary goal of medical treatment. Comprehensive patient management in modern medicine...

Words: 1196

Pages: 5

principles of ethics, dignity and respect - The Hippocratic Oath

According to this case study, I discovered some ethical, dignity, and respect standards that were not followed in the case of the 40-year-old elderly woman (Ms. Y). The oath must be followed by both medical and non-medical staff who are tasked with caring for the elderly in a care and nursing...

Words: 3093

Pages: 12

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