Essays on Painting

Marc Chagall: White Crucifixion

The "White Crucifixion" by Marc Chagall is a work of art that Pop Francis has said mirrors his own work (Untener 12). The Catholic Pope seemed to be at ease with the message conveyed in Chagall's picture that Jesus Christ does not represent Jewish salvation but rather the Jews (Untener...

Words: 2502

Pages: 10

piece of art exploration

I'll examine Anselm Kiefer's artwork for this assignment. His paintings and sculptures combine art and history, and he is a German painter and sculptor who was born in March 1945. The poem "death fugue" by Paul Celan, a German poet who survived being imprisoned in a Nazi camp but subsequently...

Words: 603

Pages: 3

clarify and connect

Sketching the Eye Without drawing the eye, as the artist puts it, is symbolic. He starts by sketching a simple structure and later adds details to create a more complex object. The work transforms graphics using lines and the blocking technique. According to experts, lines have a significant role in representing...

Words: 330

Pages: 2

In Advance of the Broken Arm by Marcel Duchamp

Marcel Duchamp and His Impact on Art Although he shunned associations, the painter and mixed-media artist Marcel Duchamp was associated with Dadaism, Surrealism, and Cubism. According to the 2017 article "MoMA | Marcel Duchamp. In Advance of the Broken Arm. August 1964 (fourth version, after lost original of November 1915)", his...

Words: 345

Pages: 2


In order to portray the human subject as the major protagonists, the genre of portrait painting is used in art. 1. Portrait artists carry out their responsibilities for both private and public individuals, produce their work on commission, or they may be motivated by the subject's love or adoration. Portraits...

Words: 2133

Pages: 8

New Land Art: Critical Analysis

Artworks by Erika Osborne Erika Osborne's artworks usually depict the modern environment and place representations. Her current works are not very different from her old works as Osborne wants to portray different environmental issues through her land art. What is more, her iconic artworks are created on the basis of a...

Words: 1108

Pages: 5


Tughra of Sultan Suleiman the Magnificent, ca. 1550–1560; ink, opaque watercolor, and gold on paper, 20 12 inches × 25 3/8 inches, is the first image on the left. It appears that between the 14th and 16th centuries, strong kingdoms of the time occupied wide swaths of the globe. Some...

Words: 718

Pages: 3

Salvador Dali

Salvador Dali, a Spanish painter who was born in Figueras, Catalonia, was undoubtedly a complex individual. Throughout his career, Dali developed a broad understanding of numerous contradictory views. His professional life began with classicism. He loved classical works more than contemporary ones. He undoubtedly noticed surrealistic elements in Corneille's works as...

Words: 2833

Pages: 11

The Fish Magic

The Fish Magic The Fish Magic is one of the most well-known paintings and combines a lovely subject with bold colors. The audience has experienced a range of emotions as a result of Paul Klee s aura-filled artwork. Creation and Inspiration Before passing away from scleroderma, Klee completed The Fish Magic in his...

Words: 2255

Pages: 9

The Portrait of Mrs. Chinnery

A well-known French artist, Elisabeth-Louise Vigée Le Brun, has long been praised for her distinctive collections. She painted Mrs. Chinnery's portrait in oil on canvas in 1803. She had signed the 36 by 28-inch picture in the lower right corner. Vigée Le Brun depicts a beautiful female portrait in the...

Words: 864

Pages: 4

The Raft of the Medusa

A staple of the Romantic Movement is The Raft of the Medusa Theodore Gericault painted it while he was only twenty-seven years old. The incident scandalized Gericault and other French citizens, and he sought to make an artistic statement that would forever represent it. But he chose the most dramatic part—when,...

Words: 1239

Pages: 5


The History of Illustration The term "illustration" refers to a visual interpretation of text created specifically for inclusion into published media. The two most notable illustrators in American history are Howard Pyle and Frank Vincent DuMond. The two were similar yet different career masters (Mott, Frank).The Society of Illustrators in America Future...

Words: 925

Pages: 4

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