Essays on Painting

The Geographer and to The Flight to Egypt comparison

The Geographer and the Flight to Egypt The Geographer is an oil painting on canvas from the seventeenth century that was created in the Caravaggio School. Jacopo Bassano painted The Flight to Egypt, an oil painting on canvas, in the sixteenth century. Although there is only one man in the first...

Words: 690

Pages: 3


The chemical element cobalt The chemical element cobalt has a silvery or bluish white color. The element was discovered in 1935 by George Brandt (Greenwood, Norman and Alan 135). Erythrite, smaltite, and cobaltite are the main ores and sources of cobalt. The byproducts of the mining and processing of iron, copper,...

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the vespa scooter design

The construction of a Vespa scooter includes not only distinct features of drawing but also a design with a special forming material structure, among many other features. Aside from being ranked as the best design by CNN survey and being part of the permanent collection of the Museum of Modern...

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the starry night

The Starry Night: An Analysis of Vincent Van Gogh's MasterpieceThe starry night is a well-known oil painting by Vincent Van Gogh that was completed in 1889 and is now in the permanent collection of the Museum of Modern Art in New York. This work of art not only portrays high...

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Albrecht Dürer in Sixteenth-Century Art in Italy and Sixteenth-Century Art in Northern Europe

Albrecht Düret is widely regarded as one of the greatest artists of the sixteenth century, owing to the distinct style he pioneered and the versatility of his portraits. The northern mannerism and the Panting in Venice and the Veneto are two paintings from this era that have piqued the attention...

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Pages: 3

visual art twelve periods

Art is what distinguishes the world's history and society. It has also been viewed as a distinguishing feature of a certain civilisation or epoch. Since ancient times, art has been regarded as a form of nonverbal communication. In this article, the various types of visual art would be explained in...

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Pages: 10

the Sistine Chapel by Michelangelo

Many people consider Michelangelo to be the best artist in history (King, 2014). Michelangelo's artistic talent revealed itself in his early childhood, much to his family's dismay, when he was born in 1475. His sketches would often result in retribution from his aunt, who wished to persuade the youth to...

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Pages: 5

Modernist Principles in Paula Scher’s Works

Paula Scher - A Modern Arts Visionary Paula Scher is a painter and artist from the United States. She was born in Washington in October 1948 and attended the Tyler School of Art in Philadelphia, where she graduated with a degree in Fine Arts in 1970. (Arntson 2011, p.103). She is...

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Pages: 6

Chinese Rock Paintings in the 17th Century

China is one of the world's countries that has shown a distinct cultural composition through its art. Accounts from the past show a cohesive cultural portrayal across diverse works of art. Painting, on the other hand, is one of the most well-known forms of art in China. Chinese artists demonstrated...

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Pages: 11

The Romanticism era

The Romanticism era, which began in the early 1800s, ushered in a period of wars and revolutions. This period was interpreted by artists as one of intense emotions and thoughts. They emphasize the expressions of their art subjects to convey specific feelings. The musicians were distrustful of humans and believed...

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Pages: 2

Jacques-Louis David and Neoclassicism

Jacques-Louis David: The Pioneer of Neoclassicism Jacques-Louis David, born in 1748 in France, rose to become one of the most influential painters of all time, owing to his pivotal role in the establishment of Neo-Classicism as an art school.The Emergence of Neoclassicism During David's early years, the prevalent fashion style of the...

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Pages: 3

About Leonardo da Vinci

Artists and their Role in SocietyArtists all around the world use drawing to express themselves and their thoughts. As a result, some understand and also admire them and the values they serve. Painting, music, poetry, photography, sculpture, and dance are all types of art that inspire people in different ways...

Words: 545

Pages: 2

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