Essays on Mental Illness

Treatment of Traumatic Stress

Introduction There are many reported cases of clients with histories of trauma seeking for treatment thus behavioral counselors should have comprehensive knowledge on how to help victims of trauma. Counselors should also have knowledge on trauma-informed prevention, care and objectives of treatment along with practical counseling techniques. Trauma can be defined...

Words: 1162

Pages: 5

Alcohol Addiction and Treatment

Alcohol abuse and dependence is one of the most common problems handled by psychiatrists across the globe. While several factors are attributed to the development of addiction, sexual orientation may compound the problem. Researchers have found that compared with the general population, LGBT (Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, and Transgender) people have...

Words: 1344

Pages: 5

The Role of Dancing in Mental Health

Compare and Contrast Choreographer Nina Martin and Barbara Dilley Nina Martin and Barbara Dilley are among the renowned choreographers in the dancing fraternity. The contribution of the two has introduced and strengthened dancing techniques in performing art. What makes the two unique in the performing art sector is that they both...

Words: 717

Pages: 3

About John Wayne Gacy

The words psychopathy and sociopathy are frequently used interchangeably by forensic psychologists, criminologists, and psychiatrists. Although leading experts disagree on whether there are significant differences between the two conditions, this research contends that there are distinct differences. Sociopaths are prone to emotional outbursts, volatile behavior, and short tempers. They also...

Words: 2092

Pages: 8

Recovery Principles: Social inclusion and mental health

Recovery Principles in mental health involve health practitioners using a specific recovery plan to help and promote focused care and resilience in people with mental health disorders. These recovery concepts include not just the treatment and management of symptoms, but also a holistic recovery perspective that encompasses the patient's entire...

Words: 1543

Pages: 6

Post-traumatic stress disorder

Post-traumatic stress disorder and its Effects on Sleep in Military Veterans Post-traumatic stress disorder has been related to a number of health difficulties, including psychological and physiological impacts, as well as sleep disorders and disruptions. Sleep problems raise patients' anxiety and diminish their ability to perform. Despite the fact that current...

Words: 3020

Pages: 11

children with Autism Spectrum Disorder

The primary goal of this article is to investigate if children with Autism Spectrum Disorder are less inclined to conform than ordinarily developing youngsters. Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) is a developmental or neurological disorder that begins in childhood and lasts throughout a person's life (American Psychiatric Association, 2013). Second, this...

Words: 1138

Pages: 5

Anorexia nervosa

Anorexia nervosa is a condition in which a person's food intake is less than the usual daily consumption. Individuals suffering from anorexia nervosa maintain secrecy during self-starvation in order to maintain weight reduction. They have a slim body and are obsessed with food and personal weight because it is linked...

Words: 377

Pages: 2

Treatment of Mental Health

Mental health is a psychological state of well-being characterized by sanity and the absence of mental disorders. Mentally healthy people make sound decisions in both behavioral and emotional areas. Mental illness, on the other hand, is characterized by the presence of mind-related disorders. Experts are looking into the relationship between...

Words: 1653

Pages: 7

depression effects

Depression and its Effects Depression is a psychiatric illness that can strike someone at some time in their lives. It is important to remember that it has an effect on both the body and mind. Furthermore, depression makes even the most basic tasks difficult, such as getting out of bed. Depression...

Words: 1110

Pages: 5

relationships longevity affected by depression and anxiety

Depression and anxiety have been identified as extreme psychiatric conditions that have an impact on the duration of relationships. There is a need to grasp the nature of depression and anxiety in order to develop a better understanding of how depression and anxiety impact relationship durability. Depression is a serious...

Words: 2482

Pages: 10

Hamlet's Insanity

Insanity comes through a number of causes or events that one goes through at one point of one's life or in several cases. These problems pile up and distort one's mind and behavior, forcing them to move quickly on it. In most cases, it may do more harm than good,...

Words: 2010

Pages: 8

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