Essays on Marketing

Scarcity Induce Psychological Alluring Attribute in Customers Towards Goods and Services

Scarcity induce psychological alluring attribute in customers towards goods and services. Psychologists argue that the only way to make a product desirable to customers is by making it scarce (Sobel.A, 2013). Rebecca Ratner, A professor of marketing At the University of Maryland’s Robert Smith School of Business, in an article...

Words: 331

Pages: 2

The Product, Distribution, Price and Promotion Strategy of REI and Its Competitor, LL Bean

Due to the introduction of technology in businesses, it is crucial for retailers to be innovative to meet the demand of many customers. The retailers should also integrate marketing strategies that add in keeping the success of their firms. This paper compares the product, distribution, price and promotion strategies of...

Words: 760

Pages: 3

Red Bull Marketing Strategy

The History of Red Bull Company The paper is devoted to the leader of the energy drink market Red Bull Company. The work gets a brief insight into the history of the producer. The paper lists the ingredients of this successful strategy and focuses on its peculiar features. There is also...

Words: 1521

Pages: 6

Rolex Market Structure Analysis

Adidas is an example of a firm that operates in a monopolistic competitive market. The first characteristic is that the sportswear industry has many numbers of firms which compete with Adidas; the firms include puma and the Nike brands. In the year 2013 Nike held 31% of the global market...

Words: 1471

Pages: 6

Factors Influencing the Demand for Mobile Phones

Supply and Demand of Mobile Phones Almost every individual across the globe uses mobile phones services and due to this product has many manufacturers. The primary producers are Samsung and Apple conglomerates which have dominated the contemporary market. There is, therefore, stiff competition in the mobile phone market and every firm...

Words: 1142

Pages: 5

The Market Dynamics of Coca Cola Company

The Market Dynamics for Coca Cola Company The market dynamics for different products and services in the market are diverse. Therefore, the purpose of this essay paper is to analyze the market dynamics for the Coca Cola company. The demand of a product can be influenced by many factors: taste and...

Words: 933

Pages: 4

Perfectly Competitive Market

Different market systems exist that depends on the industry and the firms within the industry. It is essential for the business owners to understand the kind of the market they are operating in before they make price and output decision. In the case of a company that is owned by...

Words: 304

Pages: 2

Analysis of the Price of HP Printer in Australia

        In Australia, the printer market is extensive as evident by the number of sellers dealing with the product. Approximately, there are about of printer producers in the country. The main sellers include Samsung, HP, Canon, Brother DCP, Epson. Even though there are many companies dealing with printers, some there...

Words: 823

Pages: 3

The Importance of Marketing in a Monopolist Market

Observations on Product Characteristics Most of the products observed have significant differences in price while those that face stiff competition have slight variations in price. From the logos, colors, design, and packaging the products are entirely different, and one can quickly identify a product based on the color or design of...

Words: 259

Pages: 1

Factors Influencing iPhone Demand in the UK

This paper explains the main factors which has contributed to the increase in demand for iPhones in the United Kingdom. It also provides evidence to support the argument. Data, diagrams, and graphs are also used to illustrate and explain the factors. The increased uptake on mobile phones has been influenced by...

Words: 1490

Pages: 6

A Transaction Analysis of a Samsung Electronics' Smartphone Purchase

The paper analyzes a recent transaction which involves the purchase of a smartphone from Samsung Electronics Co. Ltd. In terms of consumer preference, the decisions to buy the smartphone from Samsung was due to its high-end features and low prices compared to other smartphone devices. Consumer preference and choices in...

Words: 1211

Pages: 5

The Effect of Traffic Congestion on the Economic Efficiency of the Market

The Impact of Traffic Congestion The first thing that comes to mind when a person encounters traffic jam is the delay that they shall experience. This is a real phenomenon to the people in Brisbane City and Australian residents as well. During the morning commute, people experience additional stress because the...

Words: 1629

Pages: 6

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