Essays on Marketing

Sustainable Leadership of Bea Perez at Coca-Cola Company

Every leader needs to have good leadership skills that can drive and move the organization forward. The skills help them to provide sustainable leadership that brings immense success to the organization. Business organization leaders thus must use charismatic principles to achieve the company’s goals in the production and sales market....

Words: 928

Pages: 4

Consumerism and Consumer Trends

Not any other time in the recorded history of business is the shift in trends in consumerism, consumer behavior and consumer trends changing like today. Every wake and turn is a new product and service to suit the market trends and to fit to its needs. Businesses are being faced...

Words: 2248

Pages: 9

Social Awareness and Its Effects on Shopping Patterns

The behavior of consumers The behavior of consumers has been studied over time; it is however almost impossible to understand it entirely because of the close relation to the human mind. However, past purchasing decisions can help to estimate human behavior in purchasing situations. Consumers make decisions related to buying every...

Words: 1176

Pages: 5

Global Inter-connectedness and Its Impacts

In this modern world, almost everything is interconnected to one another. For instance, different nations and communities will depend on each other for a better living environment which leads to inter-connectedness. Moreover, there is no country that it can entirely depend on its own for the supply of its resources....

Words: 352

Pages: 2

Analysis of the McDonald's Advert

The Advertisement by McDonald's The advertisement in consideration is a video created by McDonald's; a fast food company located in America. In the advert, the menu consists of $1, $2, and $3 foods. It shows a man approaching a counter at McDonald's while in the background the dollar menu is being...

Words: 651

Pages: 3

Coca-Cola's Sprite Commercial

Marketers place ads on social media sites, mass media, and print media to advertise their products or services. An advertisement is a communication tool that presents persuasive messages, increases product or service awareness, and influence consumer buying behavior towards buying or purchasing that product or service (Hollensen, 81). This paper...

Words: 708

Pages: 3

Analysis of Online Product Reviews

The Power of Word of Mouth Marketing In the phase of a changing world where technology is in use with marketing going digital, word of mouth has not neared its obsolescence in marketing. The power of word of mouth as a marketing tool remains intact, if not growing. With the interconnected...

Words: 533

Pages: 2

Persuasive Essay on Television

Television in the Past Television in the past was the most praised item as it was owned by a few people. Owning such a gadget would attract a multitude of people but as time goes technology has really brought a few changes here and there. There is a high demand from...

Words: 1584

Pages: 6

Advantages and Disadvantages of Technology

The Dominance of Technology in Our Lives The advent of technology has brought with it a situation where it is a dominant factor in our lives especially as seen with teenagers and young adults. Within the past ten years, there has been an increase in the instances of people sharing photographs...

Words: 946

Pages: 4

Integration of New Trainings and Employee Engagement Programs

The inability of today’s organizations to effectively train and develop managers and employees is causing high turnover rates. Employee turnover negatively affects productivity performance and the prosperity of the organization (Dardar, Jusoh Chief Financial Officers (CFO) of the organization, the Human Resources Department, employees, and shareholders.                                                              Problem Background       With...

Words: 1270

Pages: 5

Analysis of the Management Brief for Binatone

Brexit is the move by the British government to exit the European Union. This move will affect many international companies situated in the United Kingdom (Dhingra et al. 2016). As a result, most of the organisations in the United Kingdom are looking for other markets to venture into in case...

Words: 2816

Pages: 11

From Concept to Code: Navigating the App Development Process for Success

An app is defined as a program which is smaller in size and is meant to be used android smartphones or sometimes the windows computer.  An app “is an application that is accessed through a web browser over a network such as the Internet” (Lee Abdullah, 2014). However,...

Words: 1965

Pages: 8

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