Essays on Marketing

Value-chain analysis Tiffany and Co

Tiffany and Co is an American luxury jewelry company that began in 1837 as a stationery and upmarket merchandise emporium but later specialized in jewelry in 1853. Since then, the company has opened stores in major capitals all over the world. Tiffany and Co became a fully-fledged publicly traded corporation...

Words: 452

Pages: 2

Research design Paper

This section focuses on the processes used to select the sample, collect and analyse the data. The research methodology section is the most important because it determines the validity of the study findings and the usefulness of the results. The chapter constitutes of the research design, approach, sampling method, data...

Words: 1809

Pages: 7

The Role of Social Media in Promoting a Product

This research aims to do an in-depth analysis of the role of the impact of social media on a product's promotional activities (Wood, 2012). It seeks to analyze how the social interaction of the various consumers through social media platforms can be taken advantage of to boost the sales of...

Words: 409

Pages: 2

The Use of Social Media as a Marketing Tool

The social media platform acts as a frontline in marketing goods and services in the business firms. Business industries can now access resources that were unavailable building worthiness and creating strategic relationships between the customers and suppliers through interaction. Understanding the social media is a rising necessity for business owners...

Words: 4115

Pages: 15

The Importance of Technology in Restaurants

The purpose of the study was to determine the impact of technology in the restaurant industry particularly the importance of these innovations on the overall operations. The section provides results for the finding from the primary and secondary data collected regarding the research problem. Notably, the specific objectives that were...

Words: 3065

Pages: 12

Social Media and Consumer Behavior in Tanzania

The objective of the present study was to examine the impacts of social media on consumer behavior within the context of Tanzania. The researcher focused on two specific industries, namely: Consumer Electronics, and Personal Effects. These two industries were selected based on the idea that consume electronic and personal effect...

Words: 4782

Pages: 18

The Potential of Social Media for Luxury Brand Management

Studies on digital marketing have increased with the expansion of the social media space. Many salesmen have realized that social media can significantly aid in reaching out to more customers thereby boosting profits. However, few studies have been done concerning the use of social media as a digital marketing tool...

Words: 4057

Pages: 15

The Impact of Social Media on Destination Image

Internet has revolutionized global business in the 21st century. It has improved the speed of connecting to the customers international, cost effective in terms of the economies of scale, and provided promising avenues to venture and promote in novel business opportunities to many customers globally (Boulianne, 2017, p. 5). One...

Words: 3523

Pages: 13

Retailing in the United Kingdom

In the United Kingdom, retail techniques have always shown signs of change since the mid-1960s amid the emergence of modern technology (Thomas, Bromley ez, Agudo-Peregrina Pascual-Miguel, 2016). However, the emergence of online marketing seriously impacted on their operations. The optional sale techniques used in the high street...

Words: 5165

Pages: 19

Market Segmentation and Student Banking

Except for those parts in which it is explicitly stated to the contrary, this project is my own work. It has not been submitted for any degree at this or any other academic or professional institutions. ………………………………………...…… Signature …………………………… Date Regulations Governing the Deposit and Use of Oxford Brookes University Modular Programme Projects and Dissertations 1....

Words: 4647

Pages: 17

Customer Acceptance of Automated Service Technology in the Restaurant Industry

Adoption of technology in the restaurant industry has been accelerated by emerging technological development and stiffer competition. The rising reputation of the self-service technology (SST) and gains accrued to both customers and hoteliers, diminishes the significance of personal service in the industry. Players in the industry are embracing these technologies...

Words: 1354

Pages: 5

Analyzing the Data Present in the Pandora

1. Revenues and Price Competitive Positioning: Pandora initial model was membership based with free hours upon initial registration. Later they changed to free model while keeping the membership display optional for those in need of more music and ad free accounts. Apart from its mainstream source, Pandora radio earns additional...

Words: 2980

Pages: 11

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