Essays on Leadership

Your future leadership essay will be more insightful if you get acquainted with some of our best leadership essay samples before starting work on your task. Some people get the concept of leadership wrong – it requires not just an ability to organize people, but before all an ability to organize oneself. Leadership is considered one of the key aspects of effective management, therefore cultivating leadership is among the top priorities for many companies today. Modern-day leaders should inspire, motivate, support, and guide the team. Essays on leadership explore ideas on a leader's role, traits, main tasks, as well as possible mishaps and how to overcome them. If leadership essays are not your cup of tea, feel free to reach out to us for help – we will be quick to assist.

The Effects of Toxic Leadership on Employees

Toxic leadership is caused by lack of self-confidence, lack of self-awareness and shortage of self-awareness. The consequences of destructive leadership are dire and can even lead to a downfall of an organisation. Employing a qualitative analysis approach, with secondary data to analyse the tell-tale signs of a leader with such...

Words: 1011

Pages: 4

The Transformational Leadership Behavior of Richard Branson

Richard Branson's Leadership Style Richard Branson stands out among the most effective leaders in the present age. His leadership charisma, innovativeness, and interpersonal strategies seem to inspire growth and effectiveness in a business. Richard Branson started as an entrepreneur of a small magazine production, and later grew into a well-established entrepreneur...

Words: 341

Pages: 2

Transformational Leadership and Job Satisfaction

Transformational leaders positively impact job satisfaction and commitment of employees in an organization (Ali " Farid, 2016). In this perspective, I agree with you that transformational leaders can be the predictors of job satisfaction among employees. Ideally, transformation leaders apply qualities such as leading as an example, giving a positive...

Words: 343

Pages: 2

The Impact of Transformational Leadership Style on Organizational Performance

In my view, leaders’ understanding of the employees’ culture and identity is crucial in implementing organization vision and influencing the employees’ commitment to the said vision. Transformational leadership style affects positively managers’ understanding of the employees’ culture since it serves to enhance morale of the followers through a set of...

Words: 401

Pages: 2

My Dream of Becoming a President

I am strongly convinced that a person fit for position of a President is the one who can do everything within his or her powers to make those who he or she leads have a better life. A President should also be a selfless leader. Despite the fact that the...

Words: 288

Pages: 2

Obama Leadership Style and Achievements

According to Glary (2012), leadership is an art where one person (a leader) inspires and motivates their subjects to work towards a certain goal. Some leaders such as Obama have been successful in achieving this endeavor through his integration and engagement of his subjects. Obama’s success at leadership is evident...

Words: 1231

Pages: 5

The Importance of Being a President

According to me, a President should be a person who can do everything within his or her powers to make those who he or she leads have a better life. A President should be a selfless leader. Despite the fact that the President should be compensated for the work done,...

Words: 277

Pages: 2

The Effects of Confidence on Leadership

Confidence is one of the most significant factors in determining effective leadership. However, there are numerous traits which adversely affect most leaders in exploiting their greatest height as far as excellent leadership is concerned (Northouse, 37). Therefore, the purpose of this essay paper is to discuss some of the notable...

Words: 304

Pages: 2

Autocratic and Democratic Leadership

Leadership activities in a company Leadership activities in a company define and shape how activities in different company or organisations run. The connectivity between the executive leaders in a company down to their employees varies depending on the status of a company. A developed company differs from a starting company in...

Words: 1592

Pages: 6

The Contingency Model of Leadership

Contingency Model by Fred Fiedler Created in the mid-1960s, Fred Fiedler's contingency model asserts that the effectiveness of leadership ultimately depends upon the existing situation; consequently, it is not based on the leadership style rather on the control the leader has over a certain situation. Therefore, rather than simply teaching individuals...

Words: 356

Pages: 2

Ethical Leadership

According to Gunderman, 2016 (p. 8), a leader is anyone in a position to influence a group of people to achieve the set goals. On the other hand, ethical leadership is in respect to ethical values and beliefs and observing of others’ rights and dignity. Leaders should embrace ethical standards...

Words: 1389

Pages: 6

The Importance of Love in Leadership

Leadership and Respect Leadership is characterized by the responsibility of offering guidance and direction to those being led. In many spheres of life, leaders are instrumental in guiding people to achieve a specific result or reach a certain objective. However, it is not easy to lead since those being led can...

Words: 600

Pages: 3

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