Essays on George Orwell

The Theme, Character, Symbolism, Influence in Language and Writing of George Orwell

The research paper focuses on George Orwell who was an English journalist, essayist and novelist who created awareness of social injustices, articulated prose, supported democratic socialism and opposition to totalitarianism. He wrote fiction, poetry, literary criticism, and polemical journalism. He is known to have written the novel like Animal Farm,...

Words: 977

Pages: 4

Orwell's Concept of Power in Shooting an Elephant

Shooting an Elephant Shooting an Elephant, was written by George Orwell who recounts a situation from his life when he was around twenty years during which he was required to demonstrate how powerful he was as an army (Orwell 8). Later on, the episode seems to be haunting him. The story...

Words: 612

Pages: 3

The Use of Euphemism in Nineteen Eighty Four by George Orwell

When people get together, they love to talk. In fact, a language with respect to communication is a vital part of human culture. People can communicate in diverse ways, either by voice, body language or even sign language. Another form of communicating would be double speaking. There are multiple ways...

Words: 748

Pages: 3

Winston’s Mindset

In his novel 1984, George Orwell described Winston's mental decline and the events that brought him back to reality and gave him renewed confidence in his ability to fight. Winston and Julia engage in sexual activity and briefly nod off in chapters IV through VII. When they awaken, Julia notices a...

Words: 416

Pages: 2

George Orwell Literature Essay

According to George Orwell, political vocabulary is riddled with euphemism and ambiguity. Proponents of the political vocabulary see the battle against the subject as archaic with certain question-begging qualities. The approach to political language stems from people's convictions that English, like any organism, should evolve to serve a range of...

Words: 2173

Pages: 8

Shooting an Elephant; George Orwell

The Short Tale of George Orwell Shooting an Elephant The short tale of George Orwell shooting an elephant is a description of life under colonial rule in the town of Moulmein in the then British Colony of Burma (Orwell). Orwell s Introduction to Colonial Rule Orwell is working here as the top security...

Words: 893

Pages: 4


Orwell incorporates symbolism to reinforce the novel's multiple themes. Orwell wrote 1984 with the main aim of educating future generations about the risks of accepting a totalitarian state. The speaker uses strong metaphors to intensify the meaning of the thoughts when relaying the knowledge through various themes. Orwell uses icons such...

Words: 1456

Pages: 6

George Orwell first coined the expression “double think” in his book 1984

In his book 1984, George Orwell coined the term "double think" to explain the logical or rhetorical fallacy of brainwashing people by propaganda, self-contradictory arguments such as "war is peace" or "slavery is a democracy," and other inconsistent and dishonest government policies. Today, the public trusts the media, and as...

Words: 1521

Pages: 6

George Orwell 1984 and Heroism

A Hero or Not: Winston Smith in 1984 A hero can be described as someone willing to take dangers and abide by the true morals as properly as portrays selflessness in his act and thought. Orwell brings out Winston as a protagonist and his characteristics do not embody the ordinary traits...

Words: 1512

Pages: 6

“Shooting an Elephant (1936)” by george orwell

The article, Shooting an Elephant The article, Shooting an Elephant, deals with George Orwell, who is a Moulmein police officer, a British Colony town in Burma (Orwell, 2014). The people of Burma and George's loathing The people of Burma have been acutely loathed by George because he is an English military occupier much...

Words: 784

Pages: 3

George Orwell

The Novel "1984" by George Orwell The novel "1984" was published by George Orwell in 1948. The book offers a viewpoint on how to look at the future. The Oppressive Structure The novel is set in a country called Dystopia, where people live under an oppressive structure consisting of The Party and 'Big...

Words: 586

Pages: 3

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