Essays on Experience

The Importance of God

Sire gives the primary answers to this question as matter and God. He states that, if one chooses God to be the answer, then he should answer further questions: is the basic character of God impersonal or personal, indifferent or good, limited or omnipotent,...

Words: 1147

Pages: 5

Inference to the Best Explanation

Jonathan Vogel argues that a non-skeptical approach to the knowledge of the world is necessary before making any conclusion. The best explanation of what happens around the external world is provided through a real-world hypothesis and not an isomorphic skeptical hypothesis based on Vogel. The two premises revealed from Vogel’s...

Words: 1416

Pages: 6

The Definition of Real and Quasi Emotions

In his work, Eldridge presents a well-documented argument on what constitutes of real emotions and how different it is to quasi-emotions. He presents multiple philosophical opinions and suggestions held by various philosophers such as Walton, Feagin, Levinson, and Hume (Eldridge, 2014). These philosophers offer diverse perspectives on the different forms...

Words: 465

Pages: 2

The Importance of Ethics in Career Choice

In various occasions, graduates have been faced with challenges of deciding the field of career to pursue. After earning relevant training from the institutions of higher learning, many people find it hard to venture into professions due to the high level of qualifications and experience that is required by the...

Words: 1908

Pages: 7


In my own opinion, to really “know” something means to have knowledge regarding a particular thing/ issue.  We “know” things when we are less or more assured that it is true depending on the proof of our thoughts or senses processes. For instance, On the other hand, knowledge is an...

Words: 829

Pages: 4

Vocation and Career Calling

The term vocation is derived from a Latin word vocare, which means “calling.” Calling signifies the grand purpose of one’s life. It involves unseen forces that influence individual choices in career. The invisible force guides people in making critical career decisions that lead to fulfilling one’s destiny (Buechber, 2017). In...

Words: 1250

Pages: 5

My Role Models in Life

Since childhood, I have acquired a number of heroes in my life depending on their role in my life. My first heroes were my parents who brought me up and ensured I had everything I needed. Moreover, being career people, they served as a source of motivation for the person I...

Words: 308

Pages: 2

The Story of Perpetua

The life of Saint Perpetua and Felicity is fascinating. The story indicates the suffering faced by the early Christians in Rome. Christianity was a minority religion since the majority of the people practiced polytheism. As a result of the difference in religion, Christians like Perpetua were mistreated and persecuted to...

Words: 354

Pages: 2

Living a Responsible Life

Living a Responsible Life Living a responsible life is the desire of many individuals. The essential elements making up the life of a human being are authenticity, virtue, and discernment. Success in one’s life may at times require tolerance to external pressures. It entails losing close friends and incorporating others that...

Words: 1207

Pages: 5

Active and Passive Euthanasia

In his paper, James Rachels argues against the conventional doctrine that is against doctors taking action that leads to a patient’s death. Further, he claims that taking such action leads to more suffering of the patient than if they were on medication until their time to die. If the patient...

Words: 1120

Pages: 5

Socrates: The Father of Philosophy

Born in 469 B.C in Athens – Greek, Socrates remains to be one of the great philosophers in history and is often associated with being the father of today’s philosophy (Hanlon, 2017). He played a key figure in developing of the Western civilization as he brought order into moral chaos and...

Words: 528

Pages: 2

Conceptions of Christianity

Christianity and its Practices Christianity is one of the most ancient and world spread, people in one way or another become acknowledged with the fundamental conceptions of this religion. I am not an exception: before the material processing. I knew a few Christianity conceptions, practices, and beliefs. However, there are always...


Words: 599

Pages: 3

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