Designing Online Documents

Important Elements When Designing Online Documents

There are important elements when designing online documents. They include the goals of the document, understanding design principles, planning the design, designing the print document and page (Glushko, Robert & Tim, 21). Some of the significant questions which can be raised during this process include; what is the objective of the design? What is the purpose of the document? What audience does the document address? These questions are significant to come with a practical design.

Goals of the Document

Goals of the document would refer to its purpose to sell, entertain, intrigue, or inform. This leads to understanding the principle of the design which should be used. For instance, the design should be consistent with particularly the theme. Besides, planning the design would be an important aspect of these processes. The designer must identify the audience and evaluate the right resources for use in the design (Glushko, Robert & Tim, 19). The audience can sometimes be the purpose of the document design. Getting the right resources enables the design to have the correct information for the intended audience.

Designing the Document and Page

Similarly, the design of the document and page are important. Designing the document implies setting the paper size and other elements such as navigating tools. On the other hand, designing a page involves various aspects such as page layout, titles and headings, and typography. Page layout entails determining the right margins, columns, and orientation. The titles and the headlines are meant to keep the document informative and appealing. Also, typography helps in making the page thoroughly composed and error-free. By considering all these aspects, the document will have effective design since it entails all factors necessary for the design like incorporating design principles.

Work Cited

Glushko, Robert J, and Tim McGrath. Document Engineering: Analyzing and Designing Documents for Business Informatics " Web Services. Cambridge, Mass: MIT Press, 2005.

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