The Swimmer's Moment

Throughout life, individuals have the inevitable role of making choices that influence their actions. The Swimmer’s Moment, is an open form of poetry which had been written by Margaret Avison and published in 2003. The persona in the poem asserts that there is a “whirlpool” that every person must face in life, but some will chose to escape the test while others would face it. Those who refuse to step to the ‘whirlpool” would eternally remain stranded in the river of ‘self-discovery and would not enjoy the “mysterious, and more ample, further water.” Challenges will always encounter challenges amidst the drastic measures that many will adopt to shield themselves from the unknown. When obstacles present themselves, some will confidently accept them with strong sense of will, but others would dismiss them and return to their usual comfort zones. The poem reveals that, by taking risks, one is able to explore new opportunities and adventures that may encompass interesting experiences. A significant theme of the poem is ‘the life journey’ which includes interesting moments and challenges that everyone must deal with to continue having ordinary lives.

Avison suggests that the journey of life is composed of challenges which ought to be taken for better experience. “The persona states that “By their refusal they are saved / From the black pit, and also from contesting / The deadly rapids, and emerging in / The mysterious, and more ample, further waters” (lines 5-8). This means that those who do not contest in the ‘whirlpool’ remain stranded at the river banks, not being able to witness the possible benefits that the risks would have brought. It is evident that avoiding to face challenges who further prevent one from witnessing the “more ample, further waters” which refer to the possible interesting opportunities that one would uncover. As such, “The Swimmer’s Moment” compares the benefits and limitations of taking risks, suggesting that individuals can look beyond fear and self-imposed insecurities in order to attain greater knowledge and interesting life experiences. It is, therefore, clear that it is important to face challenges in life rather than avoid them in order to explore greater heights. Facing fears is only plausible for the brave; those who fear would forever remain at the ‘riverbank.’

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