Essays on Entertainment

As you go about writing your entertainment essay, remember that people were after “bread and circuses” since the 1st century CE. There is no surprise that the entertainment industry has been on the rise ever since, captivating people's attention with cinema, theatre, music, and other ways to spice up the routine. Many entertainment essays nowadays feature more contemporary forms of entertainment – TV shows, YouTube videos, podcasts, live streams, etc. Writing good essays on entertainment is not easy, as this topic provides an extra requirement for your work – entertainment essay should be not just informative, but also fun to read. We prepared some entertainment essay samples you can draw inspiration from. Our best samples of essays on entertainment are presented below for your viewing pleasure!

Rhetorical Analysis of The Central Park Five Documentary

The Central Park Five Documentary The 2012 “Central Park Five” documentary by Ken Burns, Sarah Burns, and David McMahon describes the arrest, trial, conviction and later acquittal of five American youth for the horrific crime of assault, rape, and attempted murder of a female jogger, Trisha Meili on April 19, 1989...

Words: 1551

Pages: 6

Social Media and Social Integration

Students transitioning from high school to college Students transitioning from high school to college marks a milestone in their personal and social development. They get to leave their parents, high school friends and their normal environments for a new setting knowing that the end goal is to graduate from college and...

Words: 1789

Pages: 7

The Global Media and The Millennial Zombie

Stephen King's Cell: A Horror Fiction Book Stephen King, one of the most preeminent writers once again wows his audience with a horror fiction book titled Cell. This book talks about zombies and how people in the contemporary world take pleasure in shows and novels about zombies as if their lives...

Words: 1256

Pages: 5

The Bombay Circus

The Bombay Circus Experience The Bombay circus had been running its show for the last month in our city. The show had been attracting many crowds and most of the children in our class had attended the show. Every kid who had attended the show in school talked about how spectacular...

Words: 853

Pages: 4

The Social Media and Its Negative Effects

The Negative Impact of Social Media on Relationships The social media platforms have reshaped many aspects of society. Everyone who owns a laptop or any electronic device with the ability to access the internet cannot resist the temptation of social media. The social media networking platforms such as YouTube, Snapchat, Myspace,...

Words: 2134

Pages: 8

All About Party Planning

Parties can be for various reasons ranging from celebrations of a birthday, housewarming, holidays, engagement, job promotion, etc.  The reason for the party sets the tone, theme, menu and guest list. Why Planning is Important It is essential to evaluate the preparation process to ensure that the event is on track and...

Words: 400

Pages: 2

Analysis of the Movie Lone Survivor

Lone Survivor Lone Survivor is adapted from the first-hand account of Marcus Luttrell in Afghanistan as a Navy Seal, and the name of the movie tells the reader how the film eventually turns out. The grueling picture follows four American soldiers that are held down near the Pakistan border while on...

Words: 1147

Pages: 5

The Influence of Romanticism in Baz Luhrmann's Moulin Rouge

Moulin Rouge is a French play which tells the story of a young author who falls in love with a movie star featured in the Moulin Rouge. The young poets defy his father's order and join the colorfully diverse clique inhabiting the dark, fantasy world in France. In the dingy...

Words: 1844

Pages: 7

Social Media and Charitable Organizations

The Influence of Media on Charities The media is no doubt a marvel of technological advancement in this day and age. The influence it has on social culture and behavior is one that cannot be compared to many other forms of influence in society and it has grown into an industry...

Words: 1154

Pages: 5

The Differences and Similarities of Rocking Horse Winner and Lottery

The two stories, ‘Rocking-Horse Winner’ and ‘The Lottery’ both uses themes, symbols, and the underlying moral lanes to illustrate how greediness is depicted in today’s families effectively. Nevertheless, the setting of the two short stories and their main themes seem to be unequivocally different as portrayed in the stories. Similarities                  The...

Words: 835

Pages: 4

Social Media

Recent times have witnessed an increase in the use of social media. Platforms such as Twitter and Facebook facilitate communication and interaction between individuals from different parts of the world. Social sites act as a meeting point for people with different backgrounds and goals in life. Primarily, social media sites...

Words: 927

Pages: 4

John Q: The Movie

John Q. Archibald: The Plight of a Father John Q. is a movie that features Denzel Washington as John Q. Archibald as the main character. He works in a company in Chicago and has a wife and a boy child. During a baseball game, the son collapses and John and his...

Words: 1158

Pages: 5

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