The Effect of Inflation on GDP

a) Percentage change in the price of food and clothing for the 2004 and 2005 period. Percentage change in the price of food Change in food price $12-$8= $4  Percentage change=  X100%                                  = 50% The price of food between the years 2004 and 2005 changed by 50% Percentage change in clothing...

Words: 356

Pages: 2

The Benefits of Raising the Federal Minimum Wage

Changing the federal minimum wage has been a notorious economic topic of discussion across the globe for several years now. There are people who constantly argue that the federal minimum wage should be raised while others argue that it should not be increased because of the effects this can have...

Words: 2208

Pages: 9

The Issue of Unemployment in the Philippines

Unemployment in the Philippines Unemployment is a major issue that influences a nation's politics. The statement about unemployment in the Philippines attracts many political views. The unemployment rate in the Philippines is high because of the unavailability of jobs to be offered to people. The growth of unemployment rate in the...

Words: 871

Pages: 4

Corporate Indignities

Corporate Indignities and Freddie Mac Scandal Corporate indignities happen all the time in the worldwide, whether it’s written on paper or hidden within closed doors. Freddie Mac, a home mortgage corporation, was able to get away with billions of dollars hidden within their financial statements. After further review of the company,...

Words: 1207

Pages: 5

Internal and External Recruitment Methods

External recruitment methods Organisations often use external recruitment approaches to attract suitable candidates to fill in a vacant job vacancy. External recruitment refers to the process of assessing several candidates from outside the organisation for their skills and qualifications to fill in positions in the company. There are various methods used...

Words: 3591

Pages: 14

Irish Employment Issues

Employers might find themselves in a mass of employment-related matters. Many federal and state laws affect the recruitment process and implement numerous employment-related protections.  It is difficult for new companies that are developing technology to create intellectual property for employees and consultants. Employment litigation tends to distract, disrupt, and is...

Words: 2061

Pages: 8

Gender Disparity and Minority Discrimination in the US Aviation Industry

The problem of gender disparity and minority discrimination in the United States is yet fully addressed. Aviation jobs are not open to every society. The proposal addresses the need to carry out research on why such disparity has existed for so long. The article is centered on the most current...

Words: 1303

Pages: 5

Physical Attractiveness and Beauty in the Job Market

Physical attractiveness and employment Physical attractiveness and beauty have become an asset and talent when it comes to being employed. Like any other jobs, careers like modeling use these assets because it's mostly required for success. Other careers that don't require beauty including being a doctor and engineering as expected requires...

Words: 949

Pages: 4

The Importance of French Beans in Kenya

French Beans in Kenya French beans provide a rich source of vitamins, fiber, proteins and minerals and is one of the major crops planted for export in Kenya. Kenya is a developing country in East Africa with an abundance of resources and vast plains (Mwangi, et al. 7). Economic Challenges and Exporting...

Words: 1056

Pages: 4

Effects of Unemployment on the Society

Unemployment and its Effects on Society Unemployment represents a situation where an individual is willing to work but has none. Unemployment has many effects on the society. These impacts can be mental, physical, and economic. Unemployed people usually tend to have less money to spend and are unable to buy some...

Words: 1767

Pages: 7

Kenya: A Travel Destination

Introduction Kenya, officially known as the Republic of Kenya, is an East African nation whose capital city is Nairobi. It has an area of 582,646 sq km (224,961 sq miles) which is almost the size of France (Our Africa n.p.). The national language of this East African nation is Swahili, while...

Words: 1998

Pages: 8

Singapore's Gross Domestic Product

Macroeconomics encompasses economic studies on the aggregate properties and performance of an economy. Thus, it focuses on alterations in economic indicators such as unemployment index, gross domestic product, and inflation and growth rate. Governments and business organisations use macroeconomic models during the formulation of economic policies and strategies. GDP represents...

Words: 1712

Pages: 7

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