Para III and Psychic Garden- An Art Analysis and Interpretation

I was able to discover the many collections from various artists and designers thanks to a trip to the High Museum of Atlanta's art collection. More than 15,000 items from the 19th and 20th centuries are included in the museum's collection. The museum displays a variety of items from many...

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Postmodernism and Post-Structuralism

According to legend, structuralism According to legend, structuralism was an early twentieth-century genuine association concerned with understanding how language creates meaning.Post Structuralism Although post structuralism is a departure from structuralism, it can be seen as an analysis that emphasizes the variety of importance and ambiguity of notions that structuralism utilizes to explain...

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Islamic architecture

From the birth of Islam as a religion until the present Islamic architecture has included both sacred and secular elements. Islamic conquests in the seventh and eighth centuries, which included victories over the Romans and Persians among many other peoples, had a significant impact on Islamic architecture. As the religion...

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about ludwig hohlwein

In the year 1874, Ludwig Hohlwein was born in Germany. He trained as an architect during his formative years, practicing up to 1906. At this point, he decided to become a poster designer as a profession. Ludwig was able to artistically combine the use of color with architecture while comprehending...

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The Designs of Frank Lloyd Wright Were Influenced by Japan

Many people consider Frank Lloyd Wright to be one of the most innovative American architects. His designs have compassion for the environment as their guiding principle. The Fallingwater was one of his creations that highlighted his concern for the environment. He created and constructed the floating home known as Fallingwater....

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About Samsung’s Press Release

Since the creation of Samsung's "unconfined: The Galaxy S8 Design" was centered primarily on the ideal fusion of the art, the design, the technology, and the experience, the artists were the press release's intended audience. The media was successful in reaching its audience since it captured their attention while remaining...

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the vespa scooter design

The construction of a Vespa scooter includes not only distinct features of drawing but also a design with a special forming material structure, among many other features. Aside from being ranked as the best design by CNN survey and being part of the permanent collection of the Museum of Modern...

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Modernist Principles in Paula Scher’s Works

Paula Scher - A Modern Arts Visionary Paula Scher is a painter and artist from the United States. She was born in Washington in October 1948 and attended the Tyler School of Art in Philadelphia, where she graduated with a degree in Fine Arts in 1970. (Arntson 2011, p.103). She is...

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Pages: 6


The three videos use various ideas to illustrate the importance of universal architecture in everyday life. One feature that all of the videos have in common is the meaning of the word "universal style." The word is described as a definition that can be used by anyone without requiring specialized...

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Fashion is a term used to denote a contemporary style or habit, especially with regard to shoes, jewelry, footwear, furniture, and body piercing, among other things. It is characterized as a distinct and habitual pattern in a person's dressing style as well as other prevalent styles in an individual's behaviour...

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Nick Cave's Sound Suit

Nick's Cave Sound Suits Nick's cave sound suits have been described as one of the most fantastic artworks of all time since he puts so much of his imagination into providing original things to his audience. The artwork was on display in Nashville's Frist Center, among other exhibits (Paramore 1). It...

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Frank Lloyd Wright

Frank Lloyd Wright: Architecture of the Interior at the Stark Gallery Frank Lloyd Wright is widely regarded as one of the most prominent artists of the twentieth century. Wright spoke on the significance of democracy in architecture. Frank is a significant artist, and he felt that a house was more than...

Words: 1697

Pages: 7

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