The Allegations Against Microsoft The article by Fiegerman discusses the allegations against Microsoft on the issue of gender discrimination and sexual harassment. The author notes that employees of Microsoft have reported 108 cases of sexual harassment and 119 incidences of gender discrimination between 2010 and 2016. Apparently, the company has allowed...
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Businesses and Stakeholder Involvement Businesses do not exist in isolation; they have many individuals and groups to cater to be productive within the market (Van Buren & Greenwood, 2011). The market dynamics are changing continuously and to remain competitive and relevant in the market, businesses have set rules to ensure adequate...
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Web Presence: A Key Element in Business Success Web presence is also known as internet presence or website that contains a collection of web files and documents available on the website home page, that aids its clients and customers to get information pertaining the website. It does not matter if the...
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Telecommuting: A Cost-Effective Option for Companies Telecommuting is a work arrangement between the employer and the employee to have the latter delivering on their employment mandate outside the work environment; often working from home or a location close to home. The employee keeps in touch with co-workers and the employer via...
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My internship at eBiz Africa Review provided me with an excellent opportunity to apply my theoretical knowledge into practical use. My supervisor at the course used the democratic form of management to run our department. He always invited all the staff members of our department into consultative meetings before making...
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According to Claire Jean Kim The field of racial positions outlines the opportunity each ethnic group can gain. However, she further states that the area of racial posts is skewed favoring only the white race, therefore, enforcing white domination. Moreover, she agrees that the Asians Americans have been forced to racial triangulation...
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Corporate Indignities and Freddie Mac Scandal Corporate indignities happen all the time in the worldwide, whether it’s written on paper or hidden within closed doors. Freddie Mac, a home mortgage corporation, was able to get away with billions of dollars hidden within their financial statements. After further review of the company,...
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Dunkin Donuts is one of the best global companies based in the United States of America. The organization has evolved and it has become a leading coffee and baked goods chains across the world with its operations in more than 36 nations. The fact that coffee is one of the...
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In recent years the approach to advertisements has based on the use of engaging identities so that the reader can have an impression of a socially binding ad. It is founded on the fact that advertising in the present generation has taken on a new turn with producers seeking the...
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The event relates to a bizarre incident involving the explosion of the Southwest Airline flight 1380 left engine that led to death of 43-year old Jennifer Riordan in Philadelphia. The explosion send shrapnel into window next to seat 14C where the victim was seated, breaking the window, and the sudden...
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In response to your advert for the position of store manager that appeared in job site on 23 February 2018 attracted me for two main reasons; one, you need someone with an entrepreneurial spirit. Second, sales and client focused individual. These two aspects coincide with my main areas of interest...
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Offshoring occurs when a firm’s operations are done in a different nation aiming to take advantage of the costs benefits. It also helps to enhance the corporate profitability. As the company shift its sources of labour in low-income countries, ethical issues emerge due to the wages and working conditions (Gordon...
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