Essays on Business

A business essay should reflect your knowledge and understanding of the business world, its tendencies, terminology, and development. The business has been around since even before the invention of money – it existed in a form of trade. Business is also one of the main reasons why people left their native countries and ventured out into the world. Modern-day business is also not commonly contained within a single country, but shifts towards a more global scale, making the writing of Business essays ever so complex and demanding. Our Business essay samples will surely help you with an understanding of contemporary business. However, when essays on Business consume more time than you can spare, we are here to lighten the load.

The Benefits of Raising the Federal Minimum Wage

Changing the federal minimum wage has been a notorious economic topic of discussion across the globe for several years now. There are people who constantly argue that the federal minimum wage should be raised while others argue that it should not be increased because of the effects this can have...

Words: 2208

Pages: 9

The Effect of Traffic Congestion on the Economic Efficiency of the Market

The Impact of Traffic Congestion The first thing that comes to mind when a person encounters traffic jam is the delay that they shall experience. This is a real phenomenon to the people in Brisbane City and Australian residents as well. During the morning commute, people experience additional stress because the...

Words: 1629

Pages: 6

Section 179 Deduction

Section 179 as included in the IRC facilitates the provision of deduction guidelines for specific properties. Under the guidelines of the IRC, the maximum deduction limits is $500,000. Properties that qualify for deductions ought to be subject to acquisitions meant for business purposes only.  A B C D E F Description Cost $ Section 179 MACRS Basis Current MACRS expense Total Expense...

Words: 237

Pages: 1

The Role of Stakeholders in Decision Making

Businesses and Stakeholder Involvement Businesses do not exist in isolation; they have many individuals and groups to cater to be productive within the market (Van Buren & Greenwood, 2011). The market dynamics are changing continuously and to remain competitive and relevant in the market, businesses have set rules to ensure adequate...

Words: 350

Pages: 2

The Importance of Web Presence

Web Presence: A Key Element in Business Success Web presence is also known as internet presence or website that contains a collection of web files and documents available on the website home page, that aids its clients and customers to get information pertaining the website. It does not matter if the...

Words: 1234

Pages: 5

Advantages and Disadvantages of Telecommuting

Telecommuting: A Cost-Effective Option for Companies Telecommuting is a work arrangement between the employer and the employee to have the latter delivering on their employment mandate outside the work environment; often working from home or a location close to home. The employee keeps in touch with co-workers and the employer via...

Words: 1927

Pages: 8

Fake Social Media Accounts

The Toughest Questions Facing the World on Social Media Security The current world is facing the toughest questions of all time on the security threat caused by social media platforms. The fake account is a platform facilitating identity theft since unauthorised information plays a central role in criminal activities. Countermeasures to...

Words: 306

Pages: 2

My Experience as an Intern at eBusiness Africa Review

My internship at eBiz Africa Review provided me with an excellent opportunity to apply my theoretical knowledge into practical use. My supervisor at the course used the democratic form of management to run our department. He always invited all the staff members of our department into consultative meetings before making...

Words: 1115

Pages: 5

Social Media Marketing: Advantages and Disadvantages

In the contemporary world, it is almost impossible to ignore the potential of social media on any business operation. Social media has resulted in many people conducting most of their social engagements online (Lafayette). Social media use has made it possible for people in various parts of the world to...

Words: 1701

Pages: 7

The film Okja Aesthetics

According to Claire Jean Kim The field of racial positions outlines the opportunity each ethnic group can gain. However, she further states that the area of racial posts is skewed favoring only the white race, therefore, enforcing white domination. Moreover, she agrees that the Asians Americans have been forced to racial triangulation...

Words: 1734

Pages: 7

In-game Marketing and Product Placement

Gaming has rapidly grown over the last five decades and currently it is among the top methods of entertainment worldwide. Today, personal computers are more affordable and many people are looking into gaming. The report released by the intelligence gaming company, SuperData Research, revealed that the market for digital games...

Words: 2667

Pages: 10

Pokémon Go: Transmedia Storytelling

In the continuous restless search for intellectual development, generations always look for new ways through which they can be entertained. Story-telling in these cases is one of the traditional instruments known for audience engagement and amusement, followed by art, written texts then music. It is through movies that books were...

Words: 1158

Pages: 5

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