Essays on Australia


The Most Suitable Way to Recognize Australia s Indigenous Peoples The most suitable way to recognize Australia s indigenous peoples is to negotiate one or more treaties with them. The Australian government and some indigenous countries have had numerous conversations about crafting a treaty. (Krijnen, Pg. 69). Recent developments regarding treaties...

Words: 1042

Pages: 4

Australia - Mediation

Australia's Use of Mediation in Dispute Resolution Australia is one of the top countries in the world that uses mediation in court cases; in fact, it is second only to the United States. A neutral third party facilitates mediation, an alternative method of resolving disputes that assists the parties in reaching...

Words: 1004

Pages: 4

The Impact of Different Economic Concepts on Australian Economy

Australia's Economic Growth Australia's economic growth has been influenced by a variety of economic activity and trends. The value of national expenditure and output has increased, resulting in an increase in real GDP. Furthermore, a boost in the aggregate supply and aggregate demand for investment, capital, and labor productivity has resulted...

Words: 1763

Pages: 7

Investment portfolio Performance Evaluation

Australia has been experiencing difficult economic circumstances due to significant inflation over the last 12 months. Without a sure, the inflation rate will remain below 2% until 2018. There has also been a devaluation in the currency during the last four years. The depreciation rate has been below the national...

Words: 871

Pages: 4

Cultural safety

Cultural safety for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples requires addressing power imbalances in places and people in order to improve health outcomes and support the Torres Strait Islander and Aboriginal medical staff. Not only is the process dynamic, but it is also multidimensional. Ideally, there is a continuum of...

Words: 1363

Pages: 5

Australia's Primary, Secondary and Tertiary Industry

There are three industries that contribute to Australia's economy. All production activities in the country can be classified as primary, secondary, or tertiary. Nonetheless, primary production is Australia's biggest industry. It contributes significantly to the country's GDP and accounts for a significant fraction of overall exports. Many individuals work in...

Words: 2551

Pages: 10

Indigenous Australia and people

What do you hope to accomplish or learn throughout the course? What do you want to learn about Indigenous Australia and its people? Please provide a comment about both your personal and professional life/perspective. Throughout this course, I hope to obtain a thorough grasp of Indigenous Australia and the current community...

Words: 1377

Pages: 6

Australia-Indonesia relationship essay

The Australia-Indonesia Connection The phrase “Australia-Indonesia connection” has been the topic of much debate over the years, with the meaning most recently referring to the two countries’ distinct relationship. The relationship between the two countries has deteriorated and has become a source of concern as Australia appears to be less concerned...

Words: 1566

Pages: 6


Australia's Two-Tier Society Australia has had tremendous economic and social progress in recent decades. However, the progress has been eclipsed by growing disparities between the haves and have-nots, resulting in a divided society. This disparity, according to Jamrozik(2009), is caused by unequal distribution of goods and services. The imbalance in resource...

Words: 2114

Pages: 8

The Australian parliament

The Australian parliament is quite good at holding the current administration accountable. This is due to the fact that many things must be approved in the house of the assembly before any given government may carry out a particular mission. In addition, the parliament can restrain a government through a...

Words: 1373

Pages: 5

How do social class gender and race/ ethnicity impact Australian experiences in the justice system

A closer look reveals there are significant differences among Australian citizens, which are not only reflected in their political system but also in how they view indigenous people. To many visitors, all Australians appear to share similar interests and cultural values, but closer inspection reveals this is not the case....

Words: 658

Pages: 3

The Impact of Saudi Scholarship Program

Since the turn of the century, there have been numerous exchanges between various civilizations, made possible by migration between continents. The necessity to pursue higher education in the industrialized nations found on the continents of America, Europe, Australia, and Asia has sparked these movements. The situation has been the same...

Words: 4028

Pages: 15

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