Research Essays

The major difference of every research paper that a college student encounters is providing a synthesis of existing works to prove a certain point that is stated in your thesis. You can see how every essay sample that we provide contains an analysis of similar works that relate to the author’s research project. The list of quotes that you can find in every essay example shows that your opinion must be based on what has already been written before. The task is to explain whether the list of references and assumptions made is good enough or requires more work. Since one must research someone else’s findings, it is vital to check your assignment twice to avoid any plagiarism risks.

lie, truth, communication - “The Ways We Lie”

In this work, I want to talk about the idea of deception, the motives for lying, and the different kinds of lies that are told every day. Deception is an event or assertion that is meant to obscure the facts or the true meaning of a circumstance. Furthermore, it may...

Words: 1860

Pages: 7

Achilles the Greek god

Supernatural Strength of Achilles in The Iliad Without a doubt, Achilles supernatural strength is the most apparent aspect that is examined in Homer s works, The Iliad. Achilles is praised for his bravery and ability to assist the misfortune when battling the supernatural monsters that are present at the moment....

Words: 798

Pages: 3

James’s Minty Alley the farming of the community

The novel Minty Alley by C.L.R James touches on the lives of Indian Coolies and descendants of West African slaves in Trinidad. Mrs. Rouse is enraged but unsurprised by Mr. Benoit's deception as her husband, who has gone to live with another woman. Benoit is ideally Mrs. Rouse's common-law partner....

Words: 1735

Pages: 7

Literary Analysis on the Theme of love in Two Poems

Various poets select different subjects to represent in their work. Many different themes are used to captivate readers and thereby show the memorability and popularity of a poem. As seen by the subject arrangement, the chosen themes are continuously established during the author's writing (Smith 150). The poem "She Walks...

Words: 1650

Pages: 6

the Poem Since Feeling is First critical analysis

Introduction Because Feeling is First is one of Cummings' most mysterious love poems, extolling a carefree feeling of loving and being loved. The poem is composed in free verse and has 16 verses, making it impossible for the reader to recognize any clear underlying structure. The title of the poem appears...

Words: 886

Pages: 4

Comparison of The Lesson and The Clean essays

Authors express themselves in a variety of ways. The author's writing style is what separates and distinguishes the narrative from the others. The use of words, the fluency of sentences, and the author's voice all add to a piece's individuality. Another aspect of style that makes an essay fascinating is...

Words: 906

Pages: 4

the Open Boat by Stephen Crane thematic analysis

Stephen Crane's tale The Open Boat Stephen Crane's tale The Open Boat was written in 1897 and published in 1898. It was inspired by the real sinking of the Commodore, a ship on which the author was sailing to Cuba, on January 22, 1897, off the coast of Florida (Eye, Stefanie...

Words: 1500

Pages: 6

The Glass Menagerie

The Glass Menagerie The Glass Menagerie is an intriguing tale told by memories of Tom, a poet who runs a small business to support his family. The plot s most intriguing aspect is the effect of sadness it creates, even in moments of enjoyment. Each member of the household operates within...

Words: 714

Pages: 3

Nowhere Man by Pico Iyer

Pico Iyer's "Nowhere Guy" and the Phenomenon of Transit Loungers Pico Iyer writes in his essay 'Nowhere Guy' about a new depersonalized generation he refers to as "transit loungers." Iyer presents himself as an example of this group. He identifies transit loungers as people who spend a large portion of their...

Words: 1285

Pages: 5

In A Rose for Emily by William Faulkner short story

Miss Emily's Alienation Miss Emily, the lead character of William Faulkner's short story A Rose for Emily, fails to find her place in the world. There is no denying that 'A Rose for Emily' is a tale of mental and physical loneliness. William Faulkner depicts the mechanism by which individuals become...

Words: 767

Pages: 3

I Felt a Funeral in my Brain by Emily Dickinson

Emily Dickinson's poem I Felt a Funeral in My Brain Emily Dickinson's poem I Felt a Funeral in My Brain reflects the death of her mental health. It explains the author's lack of sanity as she feels it, weakening from stanza to stanza and ultimately resulting in madness. The word funeral,...

Words: 365

Pages: 2

pride and prejudice's Truth Universally Acknowledged

Introduction: Social Expectations and Marriage It is a widely accepted fact that a single man with a good fortune must be in need of a wife. This is how Jane Austen's book "Pride and Prejudice" begins. This first line demonstrates how the speaker presents the perception of social expectations as playing...

Words: 1466

Pages: 6

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