Analysis of Leonardo da Vinci's Annunciation Painting

The Annunciation painting by Leonardo da Vinci The Annunciation painting done by Leonardo da Vinci has befuddled and intrigued many scholars for centuries. This forms one of Leonardo's early painting, and it depicts an influence of his mastery works. The architectural setting of the point opens the landscape of trees that...

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The Modern Hero in Beowulf and Dante's Inferno

The Inferno and Beowulf The Inferno and Beowulf are two classical texts of literature that were written in different cultural contexts. For this reason, the two poems have striking differences between them. Dante the Pilgrim and Beowulf In Dante's poem, Dante the pilgrim character changes as he travels through his journey. The...

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Analysis of Langston Hughes' Blues Poems

Langston Hughes: A Study of Blues Poems Langston Hughes was an African American Poet who had a passion for blues. A study on the six poems of Langston Hughes shows how almost all the poems follow a typical form where the first line gives a statement, the second line gives a...

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The Lotteries in Shirley Jackson's The Lottery

The Lottery by Shirley Jackson: A Haunting Narrative on Conflict and Human Depravity The Lottery by Shirley Jackson is a narrative that contains haunting details on conflict, and human depravity. People in society, always exhibit callous traditions that people do not challenge and adapt freely. Shirley through a shocking setting and...

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The Theme, Character, Symbolism, Influence in Language and Writing of George Orwell

The research paper focuses on George Orwell who was an English journalist, essayist and novelist who created awareness of social injustices, articulated prose, supported democratic socialism and opposition to totalitarianism. He wrote fiction, poetry, literary criticism, and polemical journalism. He is known to have written the novel like Animal Farm,...

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The Social Issues in Oscar Wilde and George Bernard Shaw's Plays

The Importance of Being Earnest and Pygmalion: Addressing Social Issues The Importance of Being Earnest by Oscar Wilde and Pygmalion by George Bernard Shaw, the authors write about the issues present in the society during the 19th and 20th century. Despite just being a form of entertainment the books contain underlying...

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The Lottery in Shirley Jackson's The Lottery

Analysis of The Lottery by Shirley Jackson by Shirley Jackson is unique as it starts introducing the village lottery day thus making the reader believe that it is a positive thing. However, it turns out to be the irony. While reading the narrative, I was excited to see...

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Comparison Between The Works of Chinua Achibe and Alice Walker

Over the years the black culture has been associated with negative aspects such as drugs, violence, and crime. There has been some heated debate amongst the blacks following the constant concomitant. Different authors through their works have made the immense progression to address the issues in the best way possible...

Words: 4123

Pages: 15

The Story of An Hour by Kate Chopin

Feminist literature, whether fiction or non-fiction, promotes feminist ideologies for the fair treatment of women. Women for a long time have been denied equal opportunities as those awarded to the male gender. A woman’s position in the society has always been perceived to be in the household or domestic sphere....

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The Storm by Kate Chopin

The story of “The Storm” by Kate Chopin is about two main characters Alcee and Calixta who initially used to be attracted to each other but later got married to different individuals. The writer used a lot of symbolism to develop the theme of the story. The storm in itself...

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Everyday Use in Alice Walker's "Everyday Use"

Alice Walker's "Everyday Use": A Story of Heritage and Education Alice Walker’s “Everyday Use” is a narrated story about a mother who has a conflicting relationship with her two daughters. The story is set in the sixties and seventies. Superficially, the story shows how the mother rejects her elder daughters' misplaced...

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Blake's Chimney Sweeper: Experience and Innocence

The poem "Chimney Sweeper" in Experience Songs and Innocence Songs illustrates Blake's single view presented in two different ways. To create a more accurate picture, the two poems must complement each other. The two poems are based on the narrators' activities of cleaning of chimneys and are representations of political...

Words: 299

Pages: 2

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