Essays on United States

1984 Republican National Convention

Gregory Lee Johnson's Flag-Burning Incident Gregory Lee Johnson burned an American flag outside the convention center during the 1984 Republican National Convention in Dallas, Texas, as a form of protest against the policies of the Reagan government (Facts and Case Summary - Texas v. Johnson, 491 U.S. 397 (1989), 2017). Johnson's Detention...

Words: 994

Pages: 4

The Haymarket affair

The Haymarket affair also referred to as the Haymarket massacre or riot, took place in Chicago on May 4, 1886. The protest's precursor was a rally conducted in support of workers who were on strike and calling for an eight-hour workday. The police and labor demonstrators engaged in a violent...

Words: 2364

Pages: 9

Texas Indians

The Indians of Texas: From Prehistoric to Modern Times The work The Indians of Texas: From Prehistoric to Modern Times is critically analyzed by Adamson. The forgotten indigenous people of Texas' coastal areas are examined in the novel. Adams tries to justify the value of Newcomb's narrative, strategy, and methods, though....

Words: 560

Pages: 3

John Arthur Johnson

Black American fighter John Arthur Johnson Black American fighter John Arthur Johnson, also known as Jack Johnson, was born in Texas' Galveston. March 31, 1878, was the birthdate and the year of birth. He had to leave school early because of his difficult upbringing in order to look for work that...

Words: 1119

Pages: 5

No Country for Old Men

The tale takes place in Texas, in a county called Terrell, not far from the border between the United States and Mexico. Drug dealers get into an argument, which results in a shootout where everyone is killed but one guy who is seriously injured. Although there are numerous dead people...

Words: 1425

Pages: 6

Mary Fisher

On August 19, 1992, in Houston, Texas, during the Republican National Convention, Mary Fisher, a blonde woman from a Republican household, gave the speech "A Whisper of AIDS." The speech was delivered at a time when AIDS and HIV were murdering a lot of people in the United States and...

Words: 1183

Pages: 5

The Boston Marathon bombing

On April 20, 2013, there was an assault that took place at the Boston Marathon. During the attack, three individuals died and more than 250 others were hurt. The Boston Public Library was among the neighboring buildings that were impacted by the explosion. The two bombs were homemade and detonated...

Words: 1555

Pages: 6

Rikers Island Prison

The Rikers Island Jail Complex The first jail on Riskers Island was established in 1935, and it currently serves as the primary jail facility in New York City, the capital of the United States. (Gilligan & Lee, 2013). The Rikers Island complex is run by the New York City Department of Correction...

Words: 783

Pages: 3

Harold Weinstein charges on sexual assault

Was it legal for the detectives to use a GPS tracking device to locate the defendant in accordance with New York criminal procedure law, and would the evidence acquired from the GPS be used in the case? Does the pen register permit the use of an unauthorized monitoring device by...

Words: 945

Pages: 4

Air Pollution in California Central Valley-Causes, Impacts and Mitigation Strategies

Cities such as Bakersfield, Modesto, and Fresno anchor California's Central Valley. These are the state's and the country's agricultural centers. It is made up of eight counties that produce half of the fruits and vegetables grown in the United States. This is owing to the area's geographical location, which is...

Words: 2330

Pages: 9

Huntington Beach: Social Characteristics

Huntington Beach is a city in Southern California on the coast. The city has an estimated population of 189,992 inhabitants, according to the 2010 US national census. The population is made up of people from many categories, which are summarized below; according to the data published on the fact seeker...

Words: 643

Pages: 3

A Reflection of women in, Stephen Crane’s Maggie A Girl of the Streets and Willa Cather’s Coming, Aphrodite!

Maggie A Girl of the Streets by Stephen Crane is a story that documents New York City life at the turn of the twentieth century, deterministically linking crowds, drinks, and ignorance with the limited options of a beautiful girl who allows the sparkle of romance to entice her to seduction...

Words: 1752

Pages: 7

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