Essays on Technology

Driverless Vehicles vs. Traditionally Driven Vehicles

Introduction There are several methodologies available for studying and analyzing the design of driverless vehicles and traditionally powered cars. I'd rather use Google to compare the performance characteristics of the two vehicle models. Similarly, I will pay visits to the firms that make the cars and conduct in-depth interviews with them....

Words: 597

Pages: 3

service diary

This paper seeks to offer an overview of the service experiences I have been through with a practical interpretation of what has happened and my opinion of the service in various contexts. I have divided the programs into two different connotations: pleasing and unsatisfactory. Pleasing Services In particular, there are six satisfying...

Words: 1007

Pages: 4

entrepreneurial discovery theory by Kirzner

The philosophy of entrepreneurial alertness and creativity as per Kirzner developed from a subjectivist point of view. It maintains that the entrepreneurial creativity process is linked to the comprehension stock or versioning context of the actor resulting from everyday life experience. The sense of creation in this way is that...

Words: 1439

Pages: 6

Culture Lag and Culture Shock

The word culture lag emerged from the notion that it takes a longer time for culture to adopt changes brought on by technological advances. There are social challenges and issues facing individuals in their day-to-day lives due to technological lag. Exposure to a foreign world or an alien culture, on...

Words: 691

Pages: 3

The “Push Snowboarding” Campaign of Nokia N8

Even though Nokia has in the past been a leader brand, they had to face strong competition from industry rivals, who produced disruptive technologies and began taking control of the market. Headquartered in Finland, Nokia lost their leadership position in the mobile market because they ceased to react to altering...

Words: 1290

Pages: 5

Green Business

Green Business Green business is defined as a company that has no adverse effect on the environment, culture, community, or economy on a local or global scale. ExxonMobil is an international oil and gas company that focuses on sustainability and utilizes technology and innovation to meet the world's energy needs (ExxonMobil...

Words: 429

Pages: 2

Engineering Education in Modern Day Economy

I my research, I would like to appear at engineering education. How relevant is engineering college education in modern day economy? In order to reply this question, I will look at how the world has become increasingly established on engineering to solve its many societal problems making engineering an important...

Words: 489

Pages: 2

Adaptive High Speed Leadership

A organization separates new business strategies from those in the industry Otherwise businesses will adopt similar trends in promotions, marketing and provision of products or services without innovation and imagination. The cooperation of innovative minds will make creative business concepts a reality according to different research studies. The recruiting of innovative people...

Words: 717

Pages: 3

Small Change by Malcolm Gladwell

Malcolm Gladwell distinguishes clearly between conventional civil rights protests and modern protests. In the post, Minor Change: Why the Revolution can not be tweeted, Gladwell claims that conventional advocacy requires personal sacrifice, dedication, and a successful hierarchy of leadership. He believes that social media will improve creativity, connect people together...

Words: 836

Pages: 4

career goals in marine engineering

Marine Engineering: A Demanding and Thrilling Career Marine engineering is a discipline in which professional engineers are engaged in the design, development, and repair of ships, vehicles, and systems used in water. A career in marine engineering can be described as demanding, thrilling, a bit of an adventure, and a great...

Words: 815

Pages: 3

Regulation of Artificial Intelligence

The article delves into the developing concern of the continued advancement of synthetic intelligence and the advantages as well as the hazards accrued. The primary source of concern is if synthetic intelligence should be regulated to avoid the truly impending repercussions that will come with the advancement in technology. Artificial...

Words: 846

Pages: 4

Texting and Driving

The invention of the mobile phone was a wonderful accomplishment for mankind, but sadly it can be risky, if not used safely. When behind the wheel of a motor car, any practical use of a mobile phone has proved to be a dangerous diversion. Texting while driving is a deadly...

Words: 1487

Pages: 6

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