Essays on Social Stratification

The Social Stratification in Hellenic Athens and Ming Peking

In this article focuses on the socials stratification and political system between the two cities. Social stratification describes the social position of an individual in a given society. Individuals are categorized depending on the size of their income or wealth, how much power and influence an individual posse and their...

Words: 332

Pages: 2

Meritocratic Social Structure in Contemporary Britain

Meritocratic Social Structure Meritocratic social structure involves a system whereby movement in upward class mobility is achieved through hard work and talent (Young 1994, p.87). Capitalist countries are known to have a meritocratic social structure in which success is based on an individual's effort. The opposite of a meritocratic social structure...

Words: 928

Pages: 4

Social Stratification

Sociologists frequently use the phrase "social stratification" to describe a system of social position. As a result, society groups people into socioeconomic tiers based on hierarchical rankings that are primarily based on numerous characteristics like power, income, race, wealth, and education. Caste-based Societies People are unable to modify their social standing...

Words: 1477

Pages: 6

Social stratification refers to a structure or system in which a country or society ranks classes of people in a hierarchy

The structure or mechanism by which a nation or society ranks groups of people in a hierarchy is known as social stratification. For example, in the United States, it is clear that some groups have more money, influence, and status than others. As a result, social stratification is the primary...

Words: 1572

Pages: 6

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