Essays on Profession

In your profession essay, you may define profession as a person’s career or occupation, which required prior education, training, or both. Profession derived from Latin "professio", which means “official occupation”. Some writers of profession essays define profession as a relatively wide type of work activity, which requires certain knowledge and work skills. Essays on profession teach us that choosing a profession not just means choosing a job, but accepting ethical norms, rules, principles, values , and lifestyle that come with it. Profession, chosen by a person in accordance with their calling, inclinations, and abilities becomes a source of inspiration, satisfaction, and joy, and also of great benefit to society as a whole. Our profession essay samples will teach you all you need to know about the topic – view the best essay samples below.

Eddie Bernice Johnson

Eddie Bernice Johnson: A Trailblazer in Nursing and Politics Eddie Bernice Johnson is well-known for becoming the first registered nurse to be elected to Congress. Her accomplishments in that position have been extraordinary, as she has overcome numerous challenges in her career as a nurse and politician. She has introduced and...

Words: 772

Pages: 3

Nursing Care across a Lifespan

Ambulatory Care Nursing Ambulatory care nursing comprises providing care to people, families, groups, populations, carers, and communities throughout their lives (Bardsley, Blunt, Davies, & Dixon, 2013). Ambulatory care nursing encompasses registered nurses' organizational, professional, and clinical engagement for the aforementioned populations seeking support in improving their general well-being or seeking care...

Words: 702

Pages: 3

The Role of Community/Public Health Nursing and Community Partnerships

Community/public health nursing and community partnerships combine information and involvement about the entire population with clinical and personal understandings of sickness and well-being experiences of individuals and families in society. Collaboration, combining abilities, and sharing resources increase the likelihood and chances for favorable health outcomes. Because of the high cost...

Words: 757

Pages: 3

Physician Assisted Suicide of Brittany Maynard

Brittany Maynard, a recently married 29-year-old woman, committed suicide. Her death, however, cannot be classified as suicide. Brittany had fatal brain cancer (grade four astrocytoma or glioblastoma), which condemned her to death and gave her only six months to live (Duke, 2014). Brittany was going to endure a time of terrible...

Words: 1739

Pages: 7

Ethical Dilemma in Nursing Practitioners Treating Family Members

Best practice for Nurse Practitioners (NPs) worldwide Best practice for Nurse Practitioners (NPs) worldwide stipulates that NPs should not treat themselves, family members, or friends, and that if circumstances require them, they should use the same criteria and caution as they would with non-family members (Buppert, 2015). The responsibilities that come...

Words: 467

Pages: 2

Blood transfusion Types

Blood Transfusions: Saving Lives in Hospitals Blood transfusions play an important role in saving lives in hospitals. They are used by doctors to replace blood loss after surgery or after a catastrophic injury to a patient. Blood transfusions also help to improve the body's health and prevent further bleeding by providing...

Words: 1045

Pages: 4

Sources of Pediatric Care in the United States

Doctor's offices continue to be the most popular source of routine pediatric treatment. Private rooms, private clinics, health maintenance organizations, and prepaid groups are all part of the fount. Clinics are another frequent source of treatment, where children can get medical services at the facilities of a firm or school. The...

Words: 513

Pages: 2

Health informatics & Pharmacy Informatics

Health Informatics Health informatics is a broad word that refers to the act of obtaining, storing, and utilizing various health information in order to create improved collaboration among patients in various health care provider facilities. Various specialties in hospitals are currently attempting to move and organize their data so that they...

Words: 1010

Pages: 4

Comfort and Hospice Nursing

Hospice Nursing Hospice nursing entails working with terminally ill patients to provide them with the essential support and quality in their final days; rather than focusing on the healing process, these nurses focus on providing quality healthcare to patients who are already on their deathbeds. Hospice Nurses work at hospice facilities...

Words: 2619

Pages: 10

Volunteering at Fair Acres Nursing Home

I volunteered at Fair Acres Nursing Center in practically every capacity. I participated in the ever-popular bingo games. I decorated nursing home units. In the company of other volunteers, nurses and visitors invited to parties provided aid and amusement. I was part of a team that led discussion sessions and...

Words: 233

Pages: 1

Evidence-based practice in healthcare

In today's healthcare environments, evidence-based practice is the recommended method to healthcare delivery. Nurses that use evidence-based practice not only increase their skills and competence in healthcare delivery, but they also improve patients' outcomes, costs, and morbidity. The purpose of this study is to examine the significance of evidence-based practice...

Words: 2641

Pages: 10

Advocacy Behaviours in End-of-Life Nursing Care. Nursing Ethics

Karen S Thacker's Work Karen S Thacker's work "Nurses' Advocacy Behaviours in End-of-Life Care" is a comparative and descriptive investigation aimed at addressing the insights of palliative care nurses and their advocacy behaviors during end-of-life care. The research issue at hand is the difficulty that nurses experience while attempting to advocate...

Words: 809

Pages: 3

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