Volunteering at Fair Acres Nursing Home

I volunteered at Fair Acres Nursing Center in practically every capacity. I participated in the ever-popular bingo games. I decorated nursing home units. In the company of other volunteers, nurses and visitors invited to parties provided aid and amusement. I was part of a team that led discussion sessions and accompanied patients at the facility on outings to athletic events, movies, malls, and restaurants.

We led Holy Bible Study Sessions with the team and later in the day supported staff members in escorting patients to religious services. Besides, I took part in knitting items at the facility such as baby sets, sweaters, scarves or Afghans. The residents in the facility like using these items or sell the items in the gift shop based in the home

During this entire volunteering exercise, I found quite interesting to interact with the patients and the staffs within the facility. It was a special event which gave me exposure on how to care for the patients particularly elderly people. I usually find it difficult to help older people but during the volunteering exercise I got the chance to serve them. The experience was quite exciting and amazing as it offered a new practical perspective about the nursing practice. Through the volunteering exercise I was able to apply the nursing skills gained in my coursework to offer quality care to the patients and the residents within the facility.

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