Essays on Problems

Case of Ronald Cotton

Every year, the nation experiences a large number of erroneous judgments and exonerations. One of the main reasons of faulty evidence during the trial that results in wrongful convictions is victims misidentifying eyewitnesses. In the Cotton case, the legal and law enforcement authorities neglected their responsibilities, leading to the arrest...

Words: 1797

Pages: 7

The AWB Scandal

In July 2016, Mr. Trevor Flugge A former executive of the Australian Wheat Board, was found guilty of violating the conditions of his employment agreement as the head of AWB Limited. The findings by the Victorian Court, according to a report submitted by the Australian Securities and Investment Commission (ASIC), reveal...

Words: 2987

Pages: 11

traditional culture and tourism

Community tensions and the impact of tourism Community tensions may be exacerbated by tourism, especially when indigenous culture is disrupted. Vanuatu is a group of major islands near to Australia. Vanuatu's counterpart, Pentecostal Island, is characterized by poverty and underdevelopment. They still place a high emphasis on development; they do not...

Words: 607

Pages: 3

Legal Issues in the Hospitality Industry

The line separating natural foods from organic foods has frequently been hazy. This is a result of the common belief that the two are identical. Contrary to organic foods, the majority of foods with the "natural" designation are not governed by laws other than the general health regulations that apply...

Words: 1596

Pages: 6

The History of Opiates

The opiate issue first emerged during the Neolithic era, when the local inhabitants cultivated papaver, which gave rise to poppy seeds. These individuals were the first to use opiates after learning that the poppy plant had narcotic properties. As more people became aware of the opium poppy's potential, demand for...

Words: 1947

Pages: 8

Climate Analysis-18th Century North America

The environment of a battlefield The environment of a battlefield is crucial because it affects how easily the army can carry out its orders. Extreme weather can make the army feel lost, particularly if the soldiers are accustomed to the local climate. Climate issues during the American Revolutionary War in 1776...

Words: 1149

Pages: 5

Credit card debt

One of the most significant financial obstacles that the majority of people encounter on a regular basis is credit card debt. People who use credit cards should ideally have a steady stream of income that ensures they can repay the debt. This isn't always the case, though, as the majority...

Words: 1444

Pages: 6

marriages and the Change of Gender Roles

The main problem in marriages The main problem in marriages is the shift in the roles that the two genders play, which has an effect on how duties are divided in marriages. But in a traditional marriage, the male provided the income and the woman took care of the home, respectively....

Words: 786

Pages: 3

Childhood obesity in America

Childhood Obesity and the Rise of Fast Food Industries Over the past few years, there has been an increase in childhood obesity in America. According to the most recent data, obesity among young people and obesity-related diseases have increased dramatically over the past thirty years. In reality, since the early 1970s,...

Words: 1999

Pages: 8

Persuasive Paper Instructions

Your Persuasive Paper Part I- A Problem Exists should be revised using comments from the instructor and fellow students. Clearly stated a tenable, pertinent thesis in the first line. The thesis statement of the persuasive essay is succinctly expressed, which makes it easier to understand the subject at hand. In addition to the...

Words: 498

Pages: 2

Poor, unemployed and underemployed families

Families who are poor, unemployed, or underemployed are always vulnerable and eager to seize any opportunity that offers a better future. Numerous men, women, and children from impoverished areas of Southeast Asia have been victims of human trafficking after being lured in with promises of high-paying work. Once they accept,...

Words: 3350

Pages: 13

Death and Dying

Life and Perspectives on Euthanasia Life is one of the most important issues that humans face. Humans perceive life in a variety of ways based on their cultural, societal, and religious views. Life is essential and is appreciated, and many elements contribute to life being seen as extremely valuable. There are...

Words: 1860

Pages: 7

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