Essays on Population

Human Impact on the Environment

World Population Growth and Resource Sustainability Over the decades, the world population has ever been on the rise, with no sign of slowing down. According to York (14), today there is an estimated more than seven billion people as a result of the fast growth rate. This is a mind-blowing revelation...

Words: 1055

Pages: 4

Dog Breeding and Overpopulation

Purchasing a Hybrid Dog Many individuals would ask themselves whether purchasing a hybrid dog is a problematic issue even if the vendor is trustworthy. Another question one should ask is why pet breeding is irresponsible. Despite a vast number having pets in their homes, we still have millions of homeless dogs...

Words: 892

Pages: 4

Population Control in China

About twenty-five years ago, China’s main concern was that it had a very high birth rate, too high to provide support for. As China limited its birth rate and introduced a birth control policy this matter came under control. However, as a result of the one-child policy, China has a...

Words: 2257

Pages: 9

Kunyolewa (The Purification or “Shaving” Ritual) and Practices and Relate To Christian Ideas and Practices.

The Pogoro People of Ulanga District The Bantu-speaking Pogoro people live in central Tanzania's southwest and are well-known for their farming methods. There are an estimated 90,000 Pogoro living in the District of Ulanga, where they are located administratively. (Green 14). Ethnic Groups in Ulanga District The Kilombero plains and Mahenge Highlands are...

Words: 2607

Pages: 10

At risk or vulnerable for poor health

A group of persons who have poor physical fitness are at risk or vulnerable to bad health. Vulnerable populations include racial and ethnic minorities, the economically disadvantaged, persons living with HIV, the elderly, the displaced, and even people suffering from serious mental diseases. Certain populations are vulnerable due to discriminatory...

Words: 320

Pages: 2

India's Population Growth Control

According to United Nations estimates from 2016, India is the world's second most populous country after China, with an estimated 1,326,801,576 inhabitants. As a result, it is anticipated that the population would surpass China's by 2050, reaching 1.7 billion. The current rate of population increase is 1.2%. The Indian population...

Words: 642

Pages: 3

Huntington Beach: Social Characteristics

Huntington Beach is a city in Southern California on the coast. The city has an estimated population of 189,992 inhabitants, according to the 2010 US national census. The population is made up of people from many categories, which are summarized below; according to the data published on the fact seeker...

Words: 643

Pages: 3

The New York windshield survey

New York City is a city in the state of New York in the northeastern United States of America (USA), with a population of around 8.1 million people. It is the most populous city in New York, with a population of around 19.3 million people. It can be proved that...

Words: 689

Pages: 3

New York

New York is regarded as one of the world's largest cities, not just in the United States of America. It is the largest city in the USA and is home to more than 8 million people of various racial, ethnic, and cultural backgrounds. The high cost of rent or the...

Words: 2120

Pages: 8

Sam Houston and the American Southwest

Sam Houston: A Prominent Figure in Texas History Sam Houston, who was born in Virginia on March 2, 1973, was a prominent person in both the state of Texas and the United States as a whole. Despite being a white man raised by Scots and Irish, Houston devotes the most of...

Words: 1170

Pages: 5

Denmark Public Policies

Overview Denmark, often known as the Kingdom of Denmark, is a small country on the European continent that is part of the Scandinavian countries. Denmark has a small population of approximately 5.4 million people and only 70 kilometers of land borders with other countries such as Germany. However, this is the...

Words: 2147

Pages: 8

The U.S Healthcare Disparities

Despite the fact that the United States has grown significantly after World War II, health disparities in the country's population remain an Achilles' heel. There appears to be no just end, since the country is listed among nations with the highest income-based inequality in terms of population health. According to...

Words: 2070

Pages: 8

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