Dog Breeding and Overpopulation

Purchasing a Hybrid Dog

Many individuals would ask themselves whether purchasing a hybrid dog is a problematic issue even if the vendor is trustworthy. Another question one should ask is why pet breeding is irresponsible. Despite a vast number having pets in their homes, we still have millions of homeless dogs in several nations. Some of these homeless and needy animals find their ways into shelters. The shelters are in most circumstances fully occupied to accommodate a significant fraction of these homeless dogs, (Henn, 2018). Insufficient funds to keep these dogs in the shelters lead to older dogs been euthanized to create cut down costs and create more space for the adoption of more dogs. The origin of overpopulated dogs has resulted from breeders who believe that by breeding dogs, they will produce a superior pet than the pure dogs. People buying this kind of hybrid dogs has hugely motivated breeders to continue with their job. They argue that it there is no harm in buying pets from a reputable breeder because they are easily adaptable and resistant to health issues, (Henn, 2018). Their perception is wrong because breeding results to dog overpopulation and these breeds are also vulnerable to health complications.

Why Dog Breeding is Famous

Dog breeding activities are famous for the reasons such as purebred is more superior as opposed to mixed breeds. In most occasions, individuals searching for new family pets prefer going for purebred dogs with the belief that they have been brought up in a friendly environment and grows faster due to their ability to withstand illnesses, (Curit, 2016). Nevertheless, this is not the case always because it depends on a specific breed. Few breeders take measures to evade inbreeding that may result to weak dogs and are selective of the type of dogs they breed and also raise them in loving surroundings.

However, this does not mean that will not undergo health problem. Breeders are in business, and thus they convince their clients that the purebred pets are better than those in shelters and rescue centers yet a portion of pets in shelters are purebred. Taking this into account, breeding if well-executed results to high breed dogs (, 2018). Pet customers should remember that most of the breeders are out for business and thus they do their job reckless as long as they earn a living. Therefore, it is advisable to adopt a pet from a shelter or rescue centers instead of going for purebred.

Dog Breeding, Overpopulation, and Abuse

Although many breeders are trustworthy and that they sincerely work tireless in breeding animals and taking care of them, they rarely address the issue these pets pose to the current population. A million dogs are euthanized in rescue centers and shelters every year due to unlimited space, funds as well as people prepared to adopt them, (HSUS, 2011). The ideology of producing many pets to content the demand of the customers who are ready to pay much for purebred pets while a thousand of the same breeds congested in shelters is hugely irresponsible.

In reality, all dogs need proper care, but when they become a profit-making commodity, it becomes unreasonable however good the breeder is. By buying pets from breeders, we are promoting more production of purebred pets into the environment, (Curit, 2016). The purchase of pets results in pet overpopulation issue and prevents the existing one from experiencing better homes. Therefore, it is not justifiable to continue with dog breeding. Instead, people should be encouraged to adopt dogs from shelters and rescue centers to mitigate the issue of overpopulation and abuse.

Issues with Breeding Centers

In most of the breeding centers, puppies are separated from their mothers and sold to people who transport them for resale (Henn, 2018). The pets are then carried for a long distance without sufficient food, water, and proper ventilation. People obtain pets from stores even if they do not have precise information about them and this might result in them been disposed of by the unprepared buyers. The disposal of a pet is the highest level of dog abuse and should not be tolerated by both humane societies and police force.


However this pet breeding business might be booming, it very irresponsible to continue producing purebred while there many homeless dogs in shelters and shelter groups. Most of these homeless dogs are dying at a higher right due to lack of proper care and thus no need of animal breeding. Instead, people should be encouraged to adopt animals through animal shelter and rescue centers for this is the better way to get the most adoptable pet. By taking dogs from animal shelters will help to reduce dog overpopulation issue and abuse. There will be limited or no cases of euthanizing dogs in society.


Curit, R. (2016). Why Breeding Pets Is Irresponsible: One green planet:

Henn, c. (2018). Why Breeding Dogs is a Problem, Even if the Breeder is ‘Reputable’. One green Planet :

Henn, C. (2018). Problems associated with Breeding a dog. Even if the Breeder is ‘Reputable’. Retrieved 5 11, 2018

HSUS. (2011). HSUS Pet Overpopulation Estimates. The Humane Society of the United States: (2018). Puppy Mills: Dogs Abused for Pet Trade. People For Ethical Treatment of Animals:

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