Essays on Patient

Ethical principles in nursing care

I would respond to the circumstance by granting Mr. Newcomb s request to see his mistress. Patient engagement is critical in nursing care and is also recognized as a legal entitlement of American people. Patients value their engagement as well, and some play a passive role. Patients needs must...

Words: 984

Pages: 4

Ethics, Professional Ethics and Health Care Ethics

"Ethics, Professional Ethics, and Health Care Ethics" "Ethics, Professional Ethics, and Health Care Ethics" is primarily concerned with health care ethics. It focuses on applied ethics in several health care domains, particularly health care consumer ethics, because it emphasizes that the patient has an obligation to make key ethical decisions. The...

Words: 487

Pages: 2


A blood test for ruling out illnesses A blood test should be performed by the FNP to rule out the role of illnesses such as Diabetes, Hypothyroidism, Hyperthyroidism, Hypoparathyroidism, and Hyperparathyroidism in generating symptoms associated with Major Depressive Disorder (MDD) and Depressive episodes. The blood-based laboratory test is an objective diagnosis...

Words: 417

Pages: 2

working in the inpatient or the outpatient segments

A family nurse practitioner's role in providing high-quality clinical services A family nurse practitioner, whether working in the inpatient or outpatient divisions, must be a competent, qualified, dependable, and experienced medical officer with the ability to provide high-quality clinical services. Also, an outpatient segment may be more appealing and difficult due...

Words: 540

Pages: 2

Abdominal pains

Abdominal Pain and its Prevalence Abdominal pain is one of the few discomforts that cause victims to visit clinical emergency departments (CED) on a regular basis. While they provide difficulties for clinicians, victims may also be unable to pinpoint the source of their pain. According to statistics, the elderly make up...

Words: 548

Pages: 2

Procedure Revision and Hospital Policy

According to estimates, almost one million people die in US hospitals each year (Bouldin et al., 2013). Falls occur when a patient falls to a lower level inadvertently. Many of these falls end in damage, which has a substantial impact on the patients' many elements of their quality of life...

Words: 1673

Pages: 7

Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act (PPACA)

Introduction According to Tate (2012), Obamacare, officially known as the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act (PPACA), is a healthcare law enacted by the 111th US Congress and signed into law by former US President Barack Obama in March 2010. The regulation was enacted for three key reasons. Secondly, it planned...

Words: 1099

Pages: 4

Diagnostic errors

According to the World Health Organization (WHO), diagnostic errors are one of the most serious issues that endanger patient lives. It occurs when medical practitioners fail to obtain precise results, resulting in patients bad health. According to Hurwitz and Sheikh (2009), despite major worries about the rising cases of diagnosis errors...

Words: 2319

Pages: 9

Classifications for Atrial Fibrillation (AF)

AF is classified according to its etiology, depending on whether it occurs without a known cause in people with physically normal hearts, or it causes problems from vulvar or hypertensive heart disease (Markides & Schilling, 2012). Experts recently recommended a classification scheme based on the historical pattern of arrhythmia. If...

Words: 1993

Pages: 8

Distributed Denial of Service (DDoS) Attacks - Methods and Prevention

After diagnosing the patient with a serious neurocognitive problem caused by Alzheimer's disease, the PMHNP should start the patient on anti-dementia medications (Stahl, 2013). In this scenario, I would recommend Aricept (Donepezil) 5 mg orally, preferably before bedtime. While Aricept does not have the protection and also the victim does...

Words: 973

Pages: 4

Type II Diabetes Mellitus and Hypothyroidism

AG's Medical Conditions AG is currently being treated for hypertension, gouty arthritis, and hypothyroidism. The patient did not complain of gouty arthritic symptoms such as pain, decreased movement, swelling of affected joints, or erythema (Wynne, Woo, & Olyaei, 2007, p. 745). As a result, allopurinol withdrawal is required to assist decrease...

Words: 445

Pages: 2

All health care facilities

All health care facilities are required to maintain the security and confidentiality of patient data. With the advancement of technology and data readily falling into the wrong hands, every institution should ensure that its patients' information is never accessible to a non-authorized audience. To do this, health facilities can implement...

Words: 632

Pages: 3

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