Veterinary Office Management

Veterinary Management Software

Veterinary management software options include DVMAX, Cornerstone Practice Management, and Vet Blue Clinic. DVMAX v8.5 includes features like the Anywhere app and EMV Payment Processing that allow for more flexible practice management (DVMAX, 2017). Image storage, billing and invoicing, appointment scheduling, patient records, inventory management, treatment planning, and medication management are also included. The DVMAX program was created by the DVMAX subsidiary of IDEXX Laboratories Inc and is compatible with both Mac and PC (DVMAX,2017). The most significant feature of DVMAX is its paperless management, which helps to eliminate missing charges and maximize profits.

Cornerstone Practice Management

The Cornerstone practice management software is manufactured and developed by the IDEXX Laboratories. Unlike DVMAX, the software has several upgrades and enhancements, and it is also automatic thus does not need requisition. The vendors of Cornerstone provide support and training on request (IDDEX, 2017). Cornerstone has some features similar to DVMAX such as the provision of prescription management and it can also import lab results and post them on the records. Moreover, users of both software must have backup systems in case of a system crash. One downside aspect of cornerstone software is that it is only compatible with Windows Operating system.

Vet Blue Clinic Software

The Vet Blue clinic is a cloud based software manufactured by the VetBlue company (VetBlue, 2017). VetBlue software does not require a server like Cornerstone and DVMAX. Instead, users of Vetblue must have constant internet. Most of the features and the functionality of VetBlue are similar to those of DVMAX and Cornerstone except that VetBlue cannot import information from the lab to the records. It, however, has an advantage over the two because it enhances mobility. It also does not require a backup system in case the software crashes, but clients can retrieve their data from the cloud system provided by the vendor (VetBlue, 2017).

Interpersonal Communication

Effective listening is crucial for veterinary workers so that they capture information accurately and respond most appropriately. Good listening requires one to be attentive and avoid all sorts of disruptions. The Veterinary workers should always maintain eye contact and respond in body language that suggests to the speaker that they are keenly listening. Moreover, effective listening involves active participation such as asking questions for clarification, nodding to show acknowledgment and smiling (Hamood, Chur-Hansen & McArthur, 2014). Sometimes, it is helpful to repeat what the speaker is saying to facilitate remembrance and maintain focus (Silverman & Draper, 2016).

Proper Record Keeping

When dealing with patients records, brochures, and handouts, it is important to paraphrase them in simpler and easier to understand sentences. That means the veterinary worker must take notes of the important points that require prioritization in service delivery. Moreover, proper record keeping helps in remembering the names of patients and eases communication with clients (Hamood, Chur-Hansen & McArthur, 2014). For instance, well kept surgical patient records to guide the workers on which patient should be discharged and which one should not. A veterinary worker who reports on a second shift and finds no record may not be aware of a scheduled discharge or might end up discharging the wrong patient.

Clear and Credible Communication

Whichever form of communication a veterinary worker chooses to use at work, the communication should be clear and credible. That can be achieved by presenting ideas precisely and concisely. When communicating, it is also important to give the listeners time to process the information to receive useful feedback, especially when giving important instructions (Nørgaard et al., 2012).


Hamood, W. J., Chur-Hansen, A., & McArthur, M. L. (2014). A qualitative study to explore communication skills in veterinary medical education. International journal of medical education, 5, 193.

Nørgaard, B., Ammentorp, J., Ohm Kyvik, K., & Kofoed, P. E. (2012). Communication skills training increases self‐efficacy of health care professionals. Journal of Continuing Education in the Health Professions, 32(2), 90-97.

Silverman, J., Kurtz, S., & Draper, J. (2016). Skills for communicating with patients. CRC Press.

DVMAX Company. (2017). DVMAX Practice. Retrieved from

IDEXX Company. (2017). Cornerstone Software - IDEXX. Retrieved from

VetBlue Company. (2017). VetBlue Veterinary Software Mobile Equine Practice Management. Retrieved from

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