Essays on Military


There is a lot of healthcare than what meets the eyes and business management side is one of the many aspects. BS in Health Administration with a specialization in Emergency Management (BSHA/EM) was a good starting point for me given that I am more interested in EM or first emergency...

Words: 554

Pages: 3

The Impact of Carbon Offsetting on Aviation Industry

The first project on carbon offsetting took place in 1989. The project was undertaken by Applied Energy Services where commitment to plant 50 million trees were made in Guatemala. In exchange, consent to construct a power station fired by coal would be granted (Smith, 2007, p. 14). Nonetheless, it took...

Words: 1277

Pages: 5

Does Foreign Aid to East Africa Help to Improve the Region's Development?

As stated by the Global Policy Forum (2018), International aid offers a key element of development financing. Official Development Assistance plays a fundamental role in supporting the public infrastructure, health, education, and agricultural sectors in developing countries. The dissertation seeks to prove that despite the benefits, foreign aid to East...

Words: 4572

Pages: 17

The Hampton VA Medical Center

I have visited the Hampton VA Medical Center, which offers healthcare services to the veterans and their families. The medical center is located among the largest military retiree communities in the US. It offers a comprehensive primary and specialty care in medicine, surgery, and psychiatry to the people in southeastern...

Words: 1429

Pages: 6

Military Psychology

Military psychology involves explaining or application of human behavior in relation to the military. This paper integrates a brief definition of psychology and military psychology in order to provide a comprehensive understanding of military psychology. The purpose of the paper is to present a research done on the psychology and...

Words: 1489

Pages: 6

Just War Theory and Pacifism

On a daily basis, many people die due to water scarcity around the world. Poor people are suffering of water shortage, while the rich consume enormous amounts. In most cases, insecurity, instability, and conflict in many countries are brought about by water scarcity. Technological advancement is changing the mode in...

Words: 593

Pages: 3

The United States Immigration and Border Security Problems

This is an essay paper about the United States immigration and border security problems and how this has affected the primary objective of the Department of Homeland Security. This paper will begin by giving a brief history of the United States Department of Homeland Security (DHS) and how this department...

Words: 2449

Pages: 9

The Role of Women in the Military

The role and the situation of women in military has been changing for the last four decades, and by the beginning of the 21st century, the role of women in military had changed in all the NATO countries, with the number of women in the military increasing dramatically in all...

Words: 1197

Pages: 5

Critical Infrastructure Protection in the United States

Over the previous decade, there has been growth in threats to critical infrastructure sectors to potential disastrous dimensions. Critical infrastructure protection has turned out to be an issue of economic stability, domestic security, and public safety.  To protect the nation from cyber-attacks to critical infrastructure it is imperative the United...

Words: 3051

Pages: 12

Gender Inequality in the Aviation Industry

The aviation industry and gender inequality The aviation industry has been around since the year 1903, and it has been a source of employment to many people both male and female. The inescapable fact is that there are roles that have been held by men only such as pilot and others...

Words: 1513

Pages: 6

The Future of Flying Cars

Technology and the Future of the Automotive Industry Technology has always defined the automotive industry; this is from the era when air conditioning, electric cars and doors were introduced, and at the moment, the industry is aiming at creating flying cars. Vehicles that are self-driving and can fly have the potential...

Words: 401

Pages: 2

Symbolism and Characterization in The Things They Carried

'The Things They Carried' 'The Things They Carried' is a collection of twenty-two stories, all of which are based on the Alpha Company and the fate of the soldiers after their return to America from war. The soldiers carry along essential goods, and the war is isolating but exposes the truth...

Words: 1156

Pages: 5

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