Essays on Marketing

The Case Study of General Motors Company

One of the major strengths of any company is how well it can produce and deliver the unique and specific commodities that no one else offers in the market. GM operates in the highly competitive market, and the absence of focus makes it quite vulnerable. The management has become distracted...

Words: 1607

Pages: 6

The Role of Branding in Marketing

A brand is a design and name given to a specific product. It makes the product an entity through which it is identified. In the current global market, branding is essential because it helps the products of the company stand out among the thousands more in the same industry. The...

Words: 1841

Pages: 7

Tesco's Hierarchical Management Structure

Started in 1919 by Jack Cohen, Tesco is the leading British retail chain; it also has outlets across the US, Europe, Asia and a few other places. Tesco has its headquarters in Cheshunt, UK and is a member of both the London and Irish Stock Exchanges. Globally, Tesco is ranked...

Words: 2887

Pages: 11

The McDonald's Strategy in the UK

The McDonald is one of the largest fast-food companies operating in different countries. In the UK, its management has been using different strategies to ensure the firm stands out in the market. Although this company has been striving to ensure that it attains its goals, there are various external factors...

Words: 941

Pages: 4

Samsung's Supply Chain and Distribution Strategy

This report focuses on Samsung's management strategies which set them apart from its competitors and catapults them into achieving their mission and their vision. It highlights on the small practical progress that Samsung has achieved which brings it closer to its vision. This report further explains two managerial concepts revolving around...

Words: 1552

Pages: 6

The Importance of The External Environment to Westpac's Operation

Westpac is an Australian banking company The company started in 1817, and its headquarters are in Sydney. Today, Westpac is considered among the big four leading banks in Australia where the banking industry is ruled by companies like commonwealth bank, New Zealand and Australia banking group and the National Bank of...

Words: 1867

Pages: 7

Comprehensive Analysis of Samsung Electronics

Samsung Electronics Co. Ltd. Samsung Electronics Co. Ltd. is a Korean multinational consumer electronics corporation based in Suwon, South Korea. The organization is the front-runner subordinate company of the Samsung Group and it is the world's most significant information technology organization by earnings (Quelch Harrington, 2009). Samsung has established...

Words: 2679

Pages: 10

Labor Relations and Human Resource Management

According to the International Labor Organization, ILO (2011), Human resource management is both, the science and practice dealing with the nature of employment, decisions, actions, and issues of relationships at a workplace. Labor relations are a construct under which laborers, employers, and workers’ representatives through the direct or indirect intervention...

Words: 2846

Pages: 11

The Impact of Technology on Wal-Mart

Introduction Each and every organization has to understand its PESTLE factors that exist in its business environment so as to be able to determine how best it can use these factors to expand and increase its production. The mastery of how best these factors can be analyzed and implicated in the...

Words: 2496

Pages: 10

Impact of Chatbots on Business World

Chatbots and their Impact on Business Chatbots are artificial intelligence or computer programs that allow contemporary business organizations to connect with their target audiences through the use of applications such as Messenger, WeChat, Telegram, and even WhatsApp (Barker 2017). The chatbots play a crucial role in developing and guiding communication between...

Words: 1783

Pages: 7

Occupational Description of Finance Manager

The attached report highlighted the matters that were identified during an occupational overview: Finance Manager. The study revealed that about 3 of 10 finance managers are employed within the finance industry. The position requires a bachelor’s degree in accounting, finance, or any other business course with certification from professional bodies.            ...

Words: 3025

Pages: 11

Empowering Excellence: Unveiling the Motivational Scheme for Success

Policy Change and Recommendations for Employee Motivation Your Name Course/Number Date Instructor Name Introduction Hardly all corporate people would want to venture into successful business dealing. Most of them would do everything that is within the bound of possibilities to make sure that their companies are not subjected to threats that may see them close down....

Words: 1941

Pages: 8

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