Essays on Marketing Strategy

Recall Organizational

An in-depth Comparison of Tylenol's 1982 Response to the Deaths in Chicago versus 2009-10 Recall An in-depth Comparison of Tylenol's 1982 Response to the Deaths in Chicago versus 2009-10 Recall Organizational crises have become routine in today's business environment. Crises of different nature are currently occurring, either caused by human errors...

Words: 2083

Pages: 8

The Impact of E-Commerce B2C Model on Various Businesses and Industries

Introduction The internet and fast-growing globalization have increased innovation and competitiveness in the business and marketing spheres (Zhang, Zhu and Ye 2016). One of the outcomes of the internet and advancement in information technology is electronic commerce (e-commerce) or online shopping. In his work, Gangeshwer (2013) states that e-commerce is a...

Words: 4543

Pages: 17

Use of Emotions in Adverts

Marketing is a way of appealing to and satisfying the customer needs through advertising so as to increase the sales. Psychological research shows that most people, without regard to demographics, tend to make impulse buying of goods depending on the kind of method used to advertize. Marketers capitalize on strategies...

Words: 678

Pages: 3

The Morally Relevant Stakeholders

The Morally Relevant Stakeholders The morally relevant stakeholders are potential customers, company owners/stakeholders, company employees, member of the society, the media, suppliers, and the local the government or legal bodies concerned about the specific nature of the business. Customers and Reputation They are morally relevant because they have a significant influence on the...

Words: 289

Pages: 2

Ethical Advertising: The Case of Thai Life Insurance Company

Advertisements promote organizations and sell their basic image to the world. The video is an advertisement by an insurance company in Thailand that was made in 2014 with the aim of promoting their life insurance company.  The visual text is ethical due to the fact that it has utilized local...

Words: 1165

Pages: 5

The Key Towards a Successive and Creative Marketing Campaign

The key towards a successive and creative marketing campaign involves understanding the customer behavior. Based on the lecture from module three, it is evident that a mere marketing strategy without understanding the customer’s preference is a fruitless effort. Every customer has a distinct choice and preference for the type and...

Words: 862

Pages: 4

A Cost-Benefit Analysis of Social Media Marketing

Upgraded technological capabilities will be needed in order to match customers with brands that fit their needs sufficiently. 646 Consulting currently has a vast amount of information on international designer stores including the products they offer and the costs at which they provide these products, contact information, and collections. However,...

Words: 266

Pages: 1

Analysis of 2008 Presidential Campaign Ads

The 2008 Presidential campaign Ads pitted Democrats candidate John McCain and Barrack Obama. In one of the ads, McCain uses the ads to demonstrate Obama as extravagant celebrity. In this regard, the tax ad refers his competitor as a wasteful personality who does not care about the budget of the...

Words: 419

Pages: 2

Public Relations in the Case of Octomom

The study involves an analytical overview of the case of an Octomom who after giving birth through IVF for her first six children went ahead and used the same method to conceive and give birth to eight more children. The case would be analyzed in relation to the strategic public...

Words: 4246

Pages: 16

The Role of Marketing Manager

1. Job boards and advertising: this step entails all the expenses that are related to posting the open position as candidates are being sourced. It includes all job boards as well as any other paid recruiting accounts of the company such as LinkedIn Premium....

Words: 2217

Pages: 9

The Role of Social Identity in Marketing

We have an image of ourselves in other words which we are; this is what we refer as self-concept. A social identity is the specific people are classified as; this is where we are perceived as members of a particular group. A company’s brand image is also part of its...

Words: 2095

Pages: 8

Sugary Drinks Marketing to Children is Immoral

Different ethical principles Different ethical principles guide people on what they should do at any given time, and in different situations. One of the areas where companies have often faced challenges is targeting children with sugary drinks during adverts. At a tender age, children should be subjected to healthy foods that...

Words: 323

Pages: 2

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